
loggia n.(pl. loggias, loggie ) 【建筑...


Other attractions include the bird lake , the aviary , the viewing cone , the banyan court , the loggia , the conservation corner and the health education exhibition and resource centre , where people can learn more about nature apart from participating in sports and leisure activities 此外,公園還建有鳥湖、百鳥苑、了望臺、榕樹園、長廊、自然保育園地、衛生教育展覽及資料中心,讓市民在運動休憩之余,更可認識和愛護大自然。

The two - storey main building of the observatory is a rectangular , plastered brick structure , in the colonial style and decorated with arched windows , verandas and loggias . the building was declared a monument in 1984 香港天文臺主樓是一幢富殖民地色彩的長方型磚屋,樓高兩層,并建有拱形窗門、長廊及涼廊。政府在1984年將天文臺列為法定古跡,歡迎團體參觀。

The detailed opinion of the enterprise thermocentrum brno , s . r . o . has pertinent information on glazing and on loggias . moreover , conservatories and balconies and / or system are offered 是一家現代化、值得信賴的產品供應商,該供應商從事使玻璃化、施釉、上釉,涼廊、內陽臺,溫室、暖房的制造和銷售。