
loggerhead n.1.笨人,傻子。2.捕鯨船船尾圓柱。3.鐵球棒。4....

loggerhead shrike

He loved green turtles and hawk - bills with their elegance and speed and their great value and he had a friendly contempt for the huge , stupid loggerheads , yellow in their armor - plating , strange in their love - making , and happily eating the portuguese men - of - war with their eyes shut 他非常喜愛綠色海龜的玳瑁,它們優雅、敏捷,價值又高,可是他對于龐大而笨拙的紅海龜,卻有一點善意的輕蔑,它們總是懦弱地縮在裝甲似的龜殼里, * *的時候也怪里怪樣的,甚至還會陶醉地閉起眼睛吃水母。

Joseph bruno , the state senate majority leader , who has been at loggerheads with mr spitzer since the summer ( mr spitzer ' s office accused mr bruno of abusing his aircraft privileges ) , says the policy change is unconstitutional and contradicts a federal act which requires , among other things , a valid social security number to get a driver ' s licence 自去年夏天以來,州參議院多數黨領袖約瑟夫?布魯諾與斯皮策先生一直在劍拔弩張(斯皮策先生的辦公人員曾指責布魯諾先生濫用飛機特權) ,他聲稱這一政策變動是違背憲法的,也同聯邦法規背道而馳,因為聯邦法規規定獲取駕照需要有效的社會安全號碼。

Introduction : aliens on earth drooling for mankind felt uneasy day of the war was finally coming . we have sent a wushu master loggerheads with the aliens . the left mouse button to select the strokes , followed by go started 外星人對地球的垂涎讓人類感到不安,終于開戰的一天到來了,我們派出了武學高手與外星人對壘鼠標左鍵選定要出的招后按go開始

Aliens on earth drooling for mankind felt uneasy day of the war was finally coming . we have sent a wushu master loggerheads with the aliens . the left mouse button to select the strokes , followed by go started 外星人對地球的垂涎讓人類感到不安,終于開戰的一天到來了,我們派出了武學高手與外星人對壘鼠標左鍵選定要出的招后按go開始

After hatching from eggs laid in nests along beaches in florida , baby loggerhead turtles swim out into this current and flow with it for years , nudged along by warm waters rich in food 在美國佛羅里達州的海淮上,小海龜從巢穴中的蛋里孵化出來后,沿海灘爬入水中,并且常年隨洋流游動,被含有豐富食物的溫暖海水推動前進。

Manchester united boss sir alex ferguson and chelsea boss jose mourinhohave often been at loggerheads this season and they go head - to - headagain in saturday ' s fa cup final 本賽季曼聯的弗爺和切爾西的穆帥話不投機. . .并將在本周六在足總杯決賽上再次狹路相逢

As many as 200 , 000 loggerheads and 50 , 000 leatherbacks are caught annually by commercial long - line tuna , swordfish , and similar fisheries 捕捉金槍魚劍魚和其他類似魚類的商業延繩鉤漁船,每年意外捕撈20 , 000頭?和50 , 000頭太平洋棱皮。

No sooner has she set foot on the market than she finds herself at loggerheads with mr fish in the neighboring stall 同樣是賣魚出身的魚佬是一個將一生都投資在富貴墟的街市惡霸,面對機靈的阿妙,二人展開生意上的連番惡斗。

If the world ' s two leading engines of growth remain at loggerheads , everyone will pay the price 如果這兩個世界領先的增長發動機仍然呆頭呆腦,所有人都將會為此付出代價。

He was such a tremendous fellow that he would go to loggerheads with everyone present 他是個很利害的人物,他會和在場的每個人吵架。

He proposed to strike out the queen elizabeth and substitute the three loggerheads 他提議勾銷“伊麗莎白女王” ,換上“三糊涂” 。

Be at loggerheads with 與意見不合

The question of car privileges put sam and his parents at loggerheads 關于使用汽車的權利的問題使山姆和他父母發生爭執。

E at odds with each other , be at loggerheads with one another , 在第一節, diverge是說在觀點上“分歧,相異” 。

Even trivial things can set arthur and his wife at loggerheads 即使是雞毛蒜皮的小事也能使阿瑟和他妻子吵起來。

Julia and robert were at loggerheads over what to do next 茱莉亞和羅伯特吵著接下來該做什麼事。

Mrs smith enjoys setting people at loggerheads 史密斯太太喜歡挑撥離間。

Mr stuart and his wife are always at loggerheads 斯圖爾特先生同他妻子老是吵架。

He proposed to strike out the queen elizabeth and substitute the three loggerheads . 他提議勾銷“伊麗莎白女王”,換上“三糊涂”。