
logarithm n.【數學】對數。 common logarithms ...


Precise asymptotic in the laws of large numbers and law of iterated logarithm for some statistics 一類統計量的強大數律和重對數律的精確極限性質

Logarithm of a specified number or the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base )對數,也可返回指定底情況下的指定數字的對數。

Mr . ward : “ what do you do on a test if you forget how to do inverse logarithms 沃茲先生: “如果在考試的時候你忘了怎樣做反對數怎么辦? ”

Of a logarithm , the non - negative fractional part of the represent ation of a logarithm 對于對數而言,一個對數表示式中的非負的小數部分。

Base of logarithm 對數的底

Base of a logarithm 對數的底

The integer part , which may be positive or negative , of the representation of a logarithm 對數表示法的整數部分,它可以是正的或負的。

His first designs were for a machine to calculate such things as logarithm tables 他的最初設計是為機器計算諸如對數表之類的事情。

The sequential relationship among mean value of index , mean value of logarithm and mean value of power 對數均值與冪均值的序關系

Mantissa of logarithm 對數的尾數

Characteristic of logarithm 對數的首數

Characteristic of a logarithm 對數的首數

The law of iterated logarithm of 氏重對數律

Calculates natural logarithm of an 的自然對數。

The log ( ) function returns the natural logarithm ( base e ) of a number 函數的作用是:返回一個數值的自然對數。

Research on portfolio investment based on the expectation of logarithm - entropy model 熵模型的證券組合投資研究

Law of the iterated logarithm for nonstationary negatively associated random fields 隨機變量域的重對數律

All right , fine , logarithms are the new uppercut , i got it 好吧,我知道現在對數logx ( y )是你的新上鉤拳

Asymptotic minimax efficiency ; interative logarithm law ; mean error 漸近minimax有效重對數律均方誤差