
logan n.洛根〔姓氏,男子名〕。


President logan and president suvarov 洛根總統和薩瓦若夫總統

President logan said he will not postpone this summit 洛根總統說了他不會推遲這次兩國首腦會議的

They ' re showing logan ' s run , friday - - friday night at 8 : 00 -星期五有一場演出-星期五晚上八點。

Logan : yuri suvarov and i will sign 尤里?薩瓦若夫和我將簽署一個

Evelyn , is mrs . logan still asleep 伊芙琳,洛根夫人還在睡覺么?

You ' re aware mrs . logan was found in one of the archive rooms 你知道洛根夫人曾經去過檔案室?

Pardon me , sir . we found mrs . logan 抱歉打擾,先生找到洛根夫人了

Find what you were looking for , logan 找到你要找的東西了嗎,洛根

We have to go now . - why ? logan , what ' s wrong 我們現在必須走了-為什么?洛根,出什么事了?

Edgar : mr . buchanan , president logan ' s on the line for you 布坎南先生,洛根總統要和你通話

( cell phone rings ) logan : mr . president it ' s been our pleasure 總統先生,這是我們的榮幸

By someone within logan ' s administration . who 所以才被暗殺的-誰?

Cummings : i have dealt with the martha logan situation 我已經處理好了瑪莎?洛根那邊的狀況

Thank you , president logan , for everything 謝謝你所作的工作,洛根總統

Logan : what did she say ? did she give a clear answer 洛根:她說什么?有沒有清楚的答案?

Someone inside president logan ' s administration 是洛根政府內的人么?

To thank you and mrs . logan personally for your hospitality 向你和洛根夫人的款待表示感謝

Come on , let ' s go . - bye , logan . i ' ll see you later 快點,我們走. -再見,洛根.回頭見

By someone within logan ' s administration . who -所以才被暗殺的-誰?