
log n.1.原木,圓木,干材。2.測程儀,計程儀。3.航海日...

log book

The logs of the hut and ark had a sort of a purple hue, blended with the growing obscurity . 平底船和水寨抹上了一層紫層,與漸濃的暮色渾成一體。

Celia laughed and andrew poked at a log fire he lighted earlier, restoring it to flame . 西莉亞笑了起來,安德魯把壁爐里剛生起的炭火捅旺些。

Other factors that may affect dam selection are roadways, fishway, locks, and log passages . 其他影響選壩的因素有道路,魚道,船閘和筏道等。

He had started life in a log cabin in the frontier territory that is now tennessee . 他出生于現在稱為田納西州的那個邊遠地區的一個小木房里。

In the movement of logs by water the lumber industry was greatly helped by alligators . 木材工業過去在水上運輸木料時所十分倚重的就是鱷魚。

Slowly now it floated among logs and brushwood and over the flooded land . 這時它緩緩地在樹干和矮樹間漂浮著,又浮到被洪水淹沒的陸地上。

It has traced a familiar success story from log cabin to guggenheim grants . 它也經歷了那樣一個由小木屋到古根漢獎學金的眾所周知的歷程。

A few days ago i was talking with an old couple that lives next door in the log shanty . 前幾天,我跟住在隔壁木房子里的老夫妻倆聊天兒。

Temperature logs in bore holes down to several thousand metres are made by cable probes . 幾千米鉆孔用的溫度測井裝置是用電覽探頭做的。

The purpose of ip logging is to determine the depth and geometry of the polarizable bodies . IP測井的目的在于確定極壓體的深度和形狀。

The log fell into the bog with a splash that could be heard half a mile away . 木頭掉進了沼澤里,撲通一聲巨響,半英里外都能聽到。

The logs in the fireplace were wet and smoky and gave little heat . 爐灶里的木柴也都濕了,生起火來總是煙霧騰天的,一時著不起來。

On vessels equipped with an underwater log the setting may be made automatically . 對于裝有水下測程儀的船舶,定位可以自動進行。

The neutron log is primarily responsive to the amount of hydrogen in the formation . 中子測井對巖層的氫含量有顯著反映。

The theme “from log cabin to white house“ dominates american folklore . “從木屋到白宮”是美國民間傳說中最常見的主題。

It's like falling off a log after the blood and sweat of acting . 它好似在茹苦含辛、身心交瘁之后,居然來得那么容易。

The forepaws are also used for burrowing and for dragging heavier logs . 它們的前爪還可以用來打洞和拖拽較重的樹干。

Tell juan to give me a fix and have peters log it . 讓胡安給我測一下方位,再告訴比得斯,都得記到航海日志里去。

The log decrement are suitable for determining interface bond damage . 對數衰減率適宜于測定界面粘結的破壞。