
lofty adj.(loftier, -iest)1.極高的,巍峨...


There are lofty mountains around my hometown 故鄉到處都是巍峨的群山。

With lofty ideals , integrety , knowledge and 有理想有道德有文化有紀律

How can one contribute to the country without lofty aspirations 丈夫無大志,何以佐乾坤

On the respectable and morally lofty officials in early ming dynasty 論明前期的清官循吏

In this they displayed a lofty communist spirit 在這里他們表現了崇高的共產主義精神。

We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees 高聳入云的巨杉令我們驚嘆不已。

We are now flying high up over lofty mountains 我們正在崇山峻嶺上空飛行。

What you are doing is arduous but lofty work 你們各位從事的是一項崇高而艱巨的工作。

He has lent his name to the lofty cause 他以自己的名義支持這一崇高的事業。

She has lent her name to the lofty cause 她以自己的名義支持這一崇高的事業。

On the unity of noble moral and lofty of beauty 論崇高美與高尚道德的統一關系

With lofty ideals , integrety , knowledge and a strong 有理想有道德有文化有紀律

They were all three of the loftiest stature of women 她們是三位個子極高的女人。

I don ' t like her lofty treatment of her visitors 我不喜歡她對來訪者的高傲態度。

A statesman should be animated by lofty sentiments 政治家應當煥發出崇高的情操。

Carry out aestheitc education and mold lofty character 開展美育教育塑造高尚人格

True, the powlers and the scadgerses were accustomed to splendors, “but it is my duty to remember,“ mrs. sparsit was fond of observing with a lofty grace: particularly when any of the domestics were present, “that what i was, i am no longer. “ 誠然,波雷家人和斯卡鳩士家人都習慣于闊綽的生活,“但是我有責任要記住,”斯巴塞太太喜歡擺出一種高貴的、溫文爾雅的派頭來說話--特別是有仆人在旁邊的時候,“我已經不是以前那個樣子了。”

He stopped without adding the words “to be married myself,“ for it suddenly occurred to him that the reason was not the most lofty and philosophic in the world . 他沒有加上“結婚了”這三個字就停止了,因為他突然想起,那并不是世界上最高、最通達的理由。

The lofty slope of his narrow forehead, the perfectly humane look of his cultivated brutality, struck shelton as ridiculous . 他那狹窄前額的高昂斜面,他那養成的殘暴作風中的十分仁義的外觀,都教謝爾頓覺得很滑稽。