
lofting n.1. 放樣;理論模線的繪制。 2. 【軍事】上仰轟炸...

lofting iron

Application of autocad and total station apparatus in polar coordinates lofting 及全站儀在極坐標法放樣中的應用

All we have is some “ bourgie “ loft apartment you call home 我們有的只剩那個你稱作家的豪華閣樓公寓

Hunter looked up and said , “ don ' t be hard on him , loft . 亨特仰頭說: “不要對他太狠,洛夫特。 ”

“ moving swiftly , i found myself in the organ loft 一陣小跑,我發現我到了風琴的閣樓

Prackle looked at him mutinously and was about to speak when captain loft said, “that's an order, lieutenant. “ 普雷克爾象要反抗似地看著他,正要開口說話時,洛夫特上尉說:“中尉,這是命令啊!”

Loft drew himself up and said formally, “i have just relieved captain bentick, as the colonel ordered. “ 洛夫特振作了一下,很有禮貌地說:“我按著上校的命令,剛剛接了本蒂克上尉的班。”