
loft LOFT =low frequency radio te...


Babe , what about the . . . the loft 寶貝,那閣樓如何

Hence loft development should not be undertaken in a piecemeal manner 因此不能零散地進行家居工作間的改建。

Come on , folks up to the organ loft 來吧,上去閣樓

A cock of the loft dunghill 在小天地中稱王稱霸的人

Loft low oil fusing technology Loft低硅油定影技術

Requirements of ship hull lofting 艦船船體放樣要求

And head for the organ loft topside 上了個樓最上面

First , i ' m gonna take you into the den and then up to the organ loft - 首先,我帶你們去那個書房,然后去閣樓-

Environmental requirements relating to loft conversion may be too stringent 有關改建的環境標準過于嚴格。

Application of computer technology in lofting of steel structure pieces 鐵塔聯接板自動放樣及圖形參數的標注

I live in a converted loft 我住在一間改建的閣樓里。

This may significantly affect the feasibility of loft development 這會大大影響改建家居工作間的可行性。

She verified it back at my loft 她在我的房間里已經證實了

All we have is some “ bourgie “ loft apartment you call home 我們有的只剩那個你稱作家的豪華閣樓公寓

When he stormed out of his loft , 我們的夢想又被無情地拒絕了

Includes a large loft with historical exhibits and a gift shop 農莊里有一個歷史展廳和一個禮品店。

No , luxury lofts . - rims , man 不,是豪華公寓-還要花大功夫

That night the old man was up in the organ loft playing the organ 那天晚上,老西蒙西上閣樓彈他的琴

We heard a scream from the organ loft 我們聽到閣樓的一聲尖叫