
loess n.【地質學;地理學】黃土。-al, -ial, -ic...


Approach to issues of model loess plateau building and study 模型黃土高原建設與研究的若干問題探討

Adsorption of benzoic acid on loess soils affected by surfactant 表面活性劑對黃土吸附苯甲酸的影響

An assessment of the collapsibility of the collapsible loess ground 對濕陷性黃土地基的濕陷性評價

Practice of 3d seismic prospecting in shanxi loess tablelands 山西黃土塬區三維地震勘探的實際應用

5 . during the explorer , we know the loess plat 指出過渡區是水土流式強烈區,是治理的重點地段。

Comparative study on mechanical features of structural q2 and q3 loess 3黃土的力學特性對比研究

Study on subarea bearing capacity of foundation in loess district 黃土地區地基承載力分區的研究

Elastoplastic damage model of q1 loess 1黃土的彈塑性損傷本構模型

Hydro - thermal feature of soil in the loess plateau , gansu 甘肅黃土高原地區土壤水熱特征分析研究

Analysis of the county ' s landscape pattern in loess hilly region 晉西黃土丘陵縣域景觀格局分析

Experimental study on strength property of lime improved loess 石灰改性黃土的強度特性試驗研究

The benefit and prospect of farmland mulch on loess plateau 黃土高原區農田覆蓋效應與前景分析

The strong hang law is falling wet the loess roadbed application 強夯法在濕陷性黃土路基的應用

A practical method for moistening deformation of loess foundation 黃土地基增濕變形的實用算法

New dvelopment in paleosol study in loess 黃土中古土壤研究的新進展

Synthetical soundness technique for soft loess medium of tunnel 隧道軟黃土介質綜合穩固技術

Study on water management in dry orchard in loess plateau 黃土高原旱地果園土壤水分管理研究

Technique for widening strictured loess section 黃土崾峴拓寬處理技術

A study on construction technology of double - arch tunnel in loess 黃土連拱隧道施工技術研究