
lodz n.羅茲〔波蘭城市〕。


On november 21 , 2003 , by invitation of the wloclawek radiesthetic association , lodz initiates traveled to the city of wloclawek on the banks of the vistula , polands largest river , to conduct a video seminar introducing supreme master ching hai and the quan yin method to local residents 2003年11月21日,洛次同修應渥克拉維克心靈感應協會wloclawek radiesthetic association的邀請,前往渥克拉維克-位于波蘭最大的河流威斯特拉河vistula旁-介紹清海無上師及觀音法門。

The video seminar sponsored by the wloclawek radiesthetic association was very meaningful for lodz initiates because after many years of practice , they finally came to realize the power of such activities in spreading masters teachings 對洛次同修來說,能夠叁加這場由渥克拉維克心靈感應協會主辦的弘法講座,意義非常重大,因為經過多年的修行之后,同修們深深體悟到公開弘法所產生的大力量與其必要性。

The activities began with a brief introduction to masters life and teachings by the lodz contact person , who also offered general information about spiritual cultivation . then all the guests watched in rapt attention as one of masters video lectures was shown 講座一開始,洛次的聯絡人首先簡要地介紹師父的生平,并講述了一些靈修的訊息,接著播放師父的講經錄影帶,來賓們都全神貫注地觀看錄影帶。

Thus , the lodz initiates thank master for giving them the chance to conduct this fruitful truth - sharing activity , feel extremely happy that they could arrange such an event for local spiritual seekers , and plan to organize similar events in coming years 羅茲同修很感謝師父賜給他們這個弘法的機會,能夠為求道者安排這場講座,大家都感到萬分高興。因此,同修們打算明年再舉辦類似的弘法講座。

On november 6 , 2004 , initiates from the city of lodz in central poland conducted a video seminar introducing master s teachings to the public at the astro3 bookstore in downtown lodz 2004年11月6日,波蘭中部羅茲市的同修,在市中心的一家書坊舉辦了一場錄影帶弘法講座,向大眾介紹師父教理。

The lodz group was split in twain by the main thrust of the german tenth army . 在羅茲的兵團,被德國第十集團軍的主力截成兩段。