
lodgment n.1.住處,寄宿處;立足點。2.【軍事】占領;占領后的...


Contributes to the stability and prosperity of the community . it provides services including importexport clearance procedures in hong kong , filing of complaints relating to consumer protection , payment and refund of duties on liquors , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol , customs and excise related licenses and permits applications and lodgment of importexport declarations 一直為社會的穩定及繁榮作出貢獻,提供的服務包括進出口清關手續,提出有關保障消費者權益事宜的投訴,繳付及退回應課稅貨品之稅款的程序,申請由海關負責簽發的牌照及許可證,和辦理進出口報關手續。

For all refund applications , please apply in writing either to the trade declaration charges unit of census & statistics department on 18f . , wanchai tower , 12 harbour road , wanchai , hong kong ( for lodgment of declarations through edi service provided by tradelink or tradelink s website using the web browser ) or to the relevant electronic trading access service ( etas ) centres ( for lodgment of declarations through etas centres ) as appropriate 所有發還申請須以書面向香港灣仔港灣道12號灣仔政府大樓18樓政府統計處報關費用事務分組(適用于透過電腦系統以edi軟件經由貿易通或透過貿易通的網站利用瀏覽器提交的報關表)或向有關的電子報關服務站(適用于透過電子報關服務站提交的報關表)提出申請。

The purpose of conducting field audit is to enhance voluntary compliance with taxation requirements by giving the department s enforcement activities a more visible presence , thus encouraging the keeping of sufficient business records and the lodgment of correct returns 透過實地進行審核的工作,可讓納稅人更清楚了解本局的執法工作,從而鼓勵他們自愿遵守稅務規定,包括保存足夠的業務記錄及提交正確的報稅表。

It provides updated information on tax legislation , procedures , internal policy and some frequently - asked questions and answers , as well as a variety of electronic services such as the lodgment of e - forms and self - help programme for salaries tax computation 新網頁采取了專業的設計,并透過清晰的內容分類及加強功能,提供有關稅務法例稅務程序內部政策,以及常見問答等資料。

The amendment bill seeks to enable the chief executive - in - council to make regulations that provide for the lodgment by electronic means of information in advance relating to cargoes to be imported or exported 該修訂條例草案旨在授權行政長官會同行政會議訂立規例,對以電子方式預先提交即將輸入或輸出貨物的資料作出規定。

The commissioner of customs and excise has also authorised specific officers of the census and statistics department to enforce the regulations relating to the lodgment of accurate and complete importexport declarations 海關關長亦已授權政府統計處某些人員執行對遞交資料正確及齊備的進出口報關表有關的法例。

Lodgment of textile notifications by carriers and traders 承運人及貿易商提交紡織品通知書

Below for time limit on lodgment of application 有關申請時間的規定,請參看

He found a temporary lodgment in paris . 他在巴黎找到了一個臨時住所。