
lodging n.1.住宿,寄宿。2.住處,寄宿處。3.〔pl.〕 出...


He tossed about until the appearance of the dismal london daylight, when he sprang up desperately, and walked off to his uncle's lodgings in bury street . 他翻來覆去,等到倫敦那陰沉的白天開始出現曙光,便一骨碌爬了起來,前往柏利街他叔父的寓所。

We looked for lodgings for the coming term and found them in merton street, a secluded, expensive little house near the tennis court . 我們為即將來到的這個學期尋找寄宿的地方。結果在默頓大街找到一處,那是靠近網球場的一所僻靜而又昂貴的小房子。

What to do with them i did not know, but i secured them as well as i could, and looked up the lodgings and went to him . 怎樣處理這些東西呢,我不知道,我只好盡力把這些東西收拾好,把房子鎖起,到他那里去。

Then he took lodgings and found humble work, using forged references from a nonexistent manchester firm . 后來,他找到住處,使用一家根本不存在的曼徹斯特公司的假介紹信謀到一個低等職業。

The aged senator lodge exclaimed that it was a “veiled threat“ to the united states . 老參議員洛奇叫喊說,這是對美國的一種“含蓄的恫嚇”。

Pen had passed a few days at his uncle's lodgings before they set out for oxbridge . 來牛橋之前,潘在叔父的寓所盤桓了幾天。

Comfortable, inexpensive lodgings are offered . 舒服而價廉的住宿處,人人都可享受。

Oh, please will you come and show him the lodgings ? 你肯不肯來把他帶到房間里去?

He lived in more expensive lodgings . 他住進了更高級的寓所。

He took me to the lodgings he had rented for me . 他帶我到他替我租好的寓所。

Will you come and show the lodgings ? 你肯不肯來把我帶到房間里去?

He took lodgings in the east end of london . 他在倫敦東區租用寄宿舍。