
lodger n.寄宿者,房客。 take in lodgers 接受...


Article 31 when an alien lodges at a foreign institution in china or at the home of an alien in china , the institution in question or the host or the lodger shall , within 24 hours of the lodger ' s arrival , report to the local public security organ with the lodger ' s passport or residence certificate and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation 第三十一條外國人在中國的外國機構或者在中國的外國人家中住宿,須于住宿人抵達24小時內,由留宿機構、留宿人或者本人持住宿人的居留證件,向當地公安機關申報,并填寫臨時住宿登記表。

Article 31 when an alien lodges at a foreign institution in china or at the home of an alien in china , the institution in question or the host or the lodger shall , within 24 hours of the lodger ' s arrival , report to the local public security organ with the lodger s passport or residence certificate and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation 第三十一條外國人在中國的外國機構內或者在中國的外國人家中住宿,須于住宿人抵達后24小時內,由留宿機構、留宿人或者本人特住宿人的護照或者居留證件,向當地公安機關申報,并填寫臨時住宿登記表。

Business basically is lessor entrusts the building the building after rental representative orgnaization , be in charge of searching lodger by acting orgnaization , sign a building to rent an agreement , what conduction building rents a contract is relevant put on record formalities , carry rent of bank collection , consign , according to contract provision , provide regular service to tenant , make lessor can rent the extricate oneself in general affairs from multifarious building thereby 業務主要是出租人將房屋委托給房屋出租代理機構后,由代理機構負責尋找房客,簽訂房屋租賃協議,辦理房屋租賃合同的相關備案手續,通過銀行收取、交付租金,按照合同規定,向承租人提供一定的服務,從而使出租人能從繁雜的房屋租賃事務中脫身。

She was too deeply materialized , poor woman , by her long and enforced bondage to that arithmetical demon profit - and - loss , to retain much curiosity for its own sake , and apart from possible lodgers pockets . nevertheless , the visit of angel clare to her well - paying tenants , mr and mrs d urberville , as she deemed them , was sufficiently exceptional in point of time and manner to reinvigorate the feminine proclivity which had been stifled down as useless save in its bearings on the letting trade 盡管如此,安琪爾克萊爾對她的兩個闊綽的房客德貝維爾先生和夫人她是這樣認為的的拜訪,從時間上和態度上看都很不尋常,這就引發了她的女人的好奇心,本來她一直抑制著這種女人的好奇心,因為她認為這種好奇心除了對出租業務發揮作用而外,是沒有用處的。

She leaned back far to look up where the fireworks were and she caught her knee in her hands so as not to fall back looking up and there was no one to see only him and her when she revealed all her graceful beautifully shaped legs like that , supply soft and delicately rounded , and she seemed to hear the panting of his heart , his hoarse breathing , because she knew about the passion of men like that , hot - blooded , because bertha supple told her once in dead secret and made her swear she d never about the gentleman lodger that was staying with them out of the congested districts board that had pictures cut out of papers of those skirtdancers and highkickers and she said he used to do something not very nice that you could imagine sometimes in the bed 除了他和她而外,沒有一個人在看著,所以她把她那雙俊秀而形態優美嬌嫩柔韌而細溜豐腴的小腿整個兒裸露出來。她似乎聽到他那顆心的悸跳,粗聲粗氣的喘息,因為她也曉得像他那樣血氣方剛的男人,會有著怎樣的情欲。還因為一次伯莎薩波爾告訴過她一樁絕對的秘密,并要她發誓永遠不說出去。

When the aliens lodge in the resident ' s home of kuiwei district , the lodger or host must carry the lodger ' s valid certificate to local police station to apply and fill in the temporary accommodation registration form , passport , certificate and the host ' s residence booklet within 24 hours of lodger ' s arrival 外國人在奎文區居民家中住宿的,須于抵達后二十四小時內由留宿人或本人持住宿人的護照,證件和留宿人的戶口簿到當地公安派出所申報,填寫臨時住宿登記表。

The author concludes that the various sta ' tes have adopted a prudent attitude towards the operation of retrial system by restricting the causes for its initiation to a few occasions and the lodger of such appeal to the grieved party only 這些現象的出現,與我國的歷史、政治傳統、前蘇聯訴訟法學的影響以及“有錯必糾”的再審指導思想密不可分。再審程序作為一種糾正生效裁判錯誤的救濟制度,世界各國都有相應的規定。

Coming up presently to the front room on the ground floor she took up some sewing , waiting for her lodgers to ring that she might take away the breakfast , which she meant to do herself , to discover what was the matter if possible 不久她又出了廚房,來到一樓前面的房間做一些針線活,一邊等著房客打鈴讓她去收拾桌子,因為她想自己去,看看究竟發生了什么事。

The marriage was to make no change in their place of residence ; they had been able to extend it , by taking to themselves the upper rooms formerly belonging to the apocryphal invisible lodger , and they desired nothing more 他們婚后并不改變住處,只是擴大了住房,連樓上的房子也租了過來,此外不打算再增加什么樓上的房子以前是由傳說中的看不見的住戶居住的。

A man she knew , one of the workmen employed at an adjoining villa , was passing by , and she begged him to come in and go upstairs with her ; she feared something had happened to one of her lodgers 這時有一個男人路過,這個男人在鄰近的別墅里干過活,所以她認識這個人。她請求那個男人進屋去,和她一塊兒上樓。因為她擔心在她的房客中,有一個發生了什么事。

The geckos moved very quickly , and they decided to be my lodgers without caring whether they were welcome or not . of course , i not only had to receive them free of charge , but also treat them as honored guests 壁虎動作極為敏捷,它們不管你歡不歡迎,就是當定房客了當然,對于這種房客,身為屋主的我不但一切都須免費供應,而且還得像貴賓一樣招待它們。

Very little of these trades , or of a lonely lodger rumoured to live up - stairs , or of a dim coach - trimming maker asserted to have a counting - house below , was ever heard or seen 除了上述的幾種職業之外,據說還有一個住在樓上的孤獨房客和模糊聽說的住在樓下的一家馬車飾物制造商的帳房,可都很少有人看見或談起過。

Rge therefore heard for the first time that the lodger s name was lucien ; still , as he was the very perfection of a door - keeper , he made up his mind not to tell his wife 門房這才第一次知道那房客的名字是叫呂西安,可是,因為他是一個模范門房,他決定這件事情連老婆都不告訴。

She is quite nicey comfy without her outcastman , madame , in rue g ? t - le - coeur , canary and two buck lodgers . peachy cheeks , a zebra skirt , frisky as a young thing s 圣心憶街132上的房東太太養著一只金絲雀,還有兩個男房客,桃色腮幫子,條紋裙子,歡蹦亂跳得像個年輕姑娘。

A noo boarder and lodger , sir , and looking fit and taut as a fiddle ; slep like a supercargo , he did , right alongside of john - stem to stem we was , all night 一位新乘客或是新房客。先生,他身強體壯精神飽滿,昨天夜里還整整一宿跟我老約翰挨在一起,睡得香著哩! ”

She had hardly finished her dinner when d urberville s figure darkened the window of the cottage wherein she was a lodger , which she had all to herself to - day 她剛把晚飯吃完,德貝維爾的影子就出現在她住的小屋的窗戶上了,那時候,屋子里就只剩下她一個人。

The day after monte cristo had called upon danglars , the mysterious lodger entered at ten o clock in the morning instead of four in the afternoon 在基督山拜訪騰格拉爾的第二天,也就是瓦朗蒂娜出喪的那一天,那神秘的房客在早晨十點鐘進來了。

She put the book in the front room on top of the family bible . a sacred thing was this book her lodger had made , a fetich of friendship 她的房客寫的這本書是神圣的,是個友誼的象征,沖淡了他曾做過洗衣工這一事實給她的打擊。

So flustered was she by two such grand young people asking for her lodger , that she forgot to invite them to sit down in the little parlor 兩位這么體面的年輕人來問起她的房客,弄得她不知所措,忘了請他們在小客廳里坐下。