
lodgement n.1.住處,寄宿處;立足點。2.【軍事】占領;占領后的...


Electronic lodgement of returns with effect from january 2001 , the department accepts the electronic filing of tax returns - individuals and property tax returns through the electronic service delivery scheme 自2001年1月,本局透過公共服務電子化計劃接受持有數碼證書的個別人士在網上遞交個別人士報稅表及物業稅報稅表。

Mrs lau explained , “ this is intended as a preparatory step towards modifying the return forms for electronic lodgement and to facilitate the collection of statistics for assessment purposes . 劉太解釋:這項改動,有助稅務局設計將來的報稅表格,以供納稅人使用電子方式提交,此外,有關資料亦可幫助稅務局進行評稅工作。

Applicants must also supply the copy of police clearance certificate letter isseed by the local public security bureau or vice squad which is less than 6 months old at the time of lodgement 申請人進駐我國之前,必須提供一份由當地公安局或者副警隊6個月內簽發的許可證明。

Under separate taxation , each married person is individually responsible for all aspects of his or her own salaries tax affairs including lodgement of returns and payment of tax assessed 分開評稅在分開評稅以下,每位已婚人士均須獨自承擔報稅、繳稅等有關薪俸稅事宜。

Medium risk agencies can assist to improve their ratings by conducting thorough pre - lodgement checks on applications and addressing any procedural issues 中風險代理可以通過i遞交申請前對申請進行詳細調查和ii解決任何程序上的問題來幫助改進他們的評級結果。

The normal processing time for the issue of a notification is within 21 working days from the date of lodgement of a valid application and the payment of the prescribed fee 申請的處理通知書將會于申請人在呈交有效申請書并繳交有關費用后的21個工作天內發出。

To this end , we have strived to simplify our procedures and have introduced various electronic services on tax payment , return lodgement and tax enquiry 我們不斷簡化程序,并提供多項電子繳稅、報稅及查詢服務,讓市民可以方便快捷地履行本身的稅務責任。

Lodgement of returns , documents and information you should file correct returns and documents and provide complete and accurate information within time limits specified . tax payment 你應于指定時限內提交正確的報稅表和文件,并提供完整和準確的資料。

The normal processing time for the issue of a notification is within 25 working days from the date of lodgement of a valid application and the payment of the prescribed fee 通知書將會于申請人在呈交有效申請書并繳交有關費用后的25個工作天內發出。

For enquiries in respect of the block extension scheme for lodgement of profits tax returns and bir 60 “ tax return - individuals “ , please telephone 2594 5224 有關整批延期提交利得稅報稅表及個別人士報稅表bir表格第60號的查詢,請電2594 5224 。

To tax representatives setting out details of the block extension scheme lodgement arrangements for the year and how the block extension can be applied for 予各稅務代表,詳述在來年有關整批延期遞交報稅表的安排事項,及如何申請整批延期的手續。

For enquiries in respect of the block extension scheme for lodgement of profits tax returns and bir 60 “ tax return - individuals “ , please telephone 2594 5226 有關整批延期提交利得稅報稅表及個別人士報稅表( bir表格第60號)的查詢,請電25945226 。

Circular letter to tax representatives - block extension scheme for lodgement of profits tax returns 2005 06 - extended due date for d code returns 稅務代表通函有關整批延期提交2005 / 06年度利得稅報稅表延展結帳日期d類報稅表提交日期的安排事宜

Circular letter to tax representatives - block extension scheme for lodgement of profits tax returns 2005 06 - extended due date for m code returns 稅務代表通函有關整批延期提交2005 / 06年度利得稅報稅表延展結帳日期m類報稅表提交日期的安排事宜

Hk $ 40 for lodgement within 2 months and 14 days after the importation or exportation ; and hk $ 100 for lodgement after 2 months and 14 days after the importation or exportation 貨物進口或出口后兩個月又十四日內報關者,須繳納罰款港幣四十元;

For further information about electronic lodgement service , or to register for using the service , please call tradelink s hotline at ( 852 ) 2599 1700 有關電子報關服務或如何登記成為電子資料聯通用戶,請致電貿易通熱線( 852 ) 25991700查詢。

For further information about electronic lodgement service , or to register for using the service , please call tradelink s hotline at 2599 1700 有關電子報關服務或如何登記成為電子資料聯通用戶,請致電貿易通熱線:二五九九一七查詢。

If you want to use electronic lodgement of application for block extension , please register with ird and collect password for accessing the system 如你希望以電子方式申請整批延期提交報稅表,請向稅務局申請及索取用戶密碼以便登入系統。

For further information about electronic lodgement service , or to register for using the service , please call tradelink s hotline at 2599 1700 有關電子報關服務或如何登記成為電子資料聯通用戶,請致電貿易通熱線( 852 ) 25991700查詢。