
lodge n.洛奇〔姓氏〕。


I had somehow got the bone lodged in my throat 我不知怎么把骨頭卡在嗓子里了。

1 we have substantial evidence for lodging a claim 我們有可靠的證據提出索賠。

The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp 難民暫時安置在一座舊軍營里

On this occasion the lodge sent a carriage 為了當晚的演出,支部派了馬車來接她。

The hunter found the place where the deer had lodged 獵人找到了鹿躲藏過的地方。

The guests are well lodged in the reception centre 客人們住在招待所里很舒適。

Albert sprang from the porter s lodge to the steps 阿爾貝從大門口跑到臺階上。

The refugee are being lodged in an old army camp 難民暫時安置在一座舊軍營里。

Monsieur , we ' re looking for food and lodging 先生,我們需要找點吃的,還有投宿

I ' ve heard that you have lodged a claim against us 聽說你們已經向我們提出了索賠

We are lodging a claim fo rinferior quality 我們因貨物質量低劣而提出索賠要求。

We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities . 只要我們在外奔波而疲乏的身軀不能在公路旁的汽車旅館和城里旅館找到住宿之所,我們就絕不會滿足。

No doubt his gesture of spending five days in the politburo hunting lodge with me was to establish a standard for us to emulate . 無疑,他與我一起在政治局狩獵場度過的五天中所作的姿態給我們確定一個效仿的標準。

He was always dressed in an old carpenter's apron, and he usually had shavings lodged in his beard and sawdust on his steelrimmed glasses . 他經常圍著一條舊的木匠圍裙,胡子上粘著刨花,鋼框眼鏡上堆著鋸屑。

With this they descended out of the fair, and went onward to the village, where they obtained a night's lodging . 這樣說著,她們從集上走下來,進到村子里,她們找到了過夜的住所。

The emperor provided that slaves who had been ill-treated by their owners might lodge a complaint with the magistrates . 國王規定,受到奴隸主虐待的奴隸可以向地方法官提出控訴。

My affection for miss sloper is as pure and disinterested a sentiment as was ever lodged in a human being . 我對斯洛潑小姐的柔情是人類的心靈所能孕育的最純潔,最無私的感情。

My pockets were stuffed out with shirts and stockings, and i knew no one, nor where to look for lodging . 我口袋里盡是襯衣襪子,舉目無親,食宿無著。

Tom's letter was written in due form that evening and safely lodged in the postoffice . 那天晚上,湯姆的信就被象象樣樣地寫好,并穩妥地投入了信箱。