
lodestar n.=loadstar.


In the nature of single blessedness he would one day take unto himself a wife when miss right came on the scene but in the interim ladies society was a conditio sine qua non though he had the gravest possible doubts , not that he wanted in the smallest to pump stephen about miss ferguson who was very possibly the particular lodestar who brought him down to irishtown so early in the morning , as to whether he would find much satisfaction basking in the boy and girl courtship idea and the company of smirking misses without a penny to their names bi - or tri - weekly with the orthodox preliminary canter of complimentpaying and walking out leading up to fond lovers ways and flowers and chocs 到那時為止,與女人交往倒也是個不可或缺的條件245 。他絲毫不想為弗格森246小姐促使他凌晨來到愛爾蘭區的,極可能就是這位特定的“北極星”哩的事盤問斯蒂芬什么。盡管他十分懷疑斯蒂芬能夠從諸如此類的事中得到由衷的滿足:沉湎于少男少女式的談情說愛啦,同只會嘻嘻嘻地傻笑身上一文不名的小姐每周幽會上兩三次啦,照老一套的程序相互恭維,外出散步,又是鮮花又是巧克力地走上親密的情侶之路。

To overcome them , our leaders released many speeches in which included some good ideas . but our lodestar became wrong . the good ideas did n ' t be carried out 社會主義改造完成后,中國經濟暴露出許多的弊病,針對這些問題,我們黨曾有過清醒地認識,黨的領導人發表了一系列正確的講話。

But whatever its short - term usefulness for clamping down on inflation , monetarism proved an unreliable lodestar for steering the economy 但無論貨幣主義對降低通貨膨脹在短期內是多么有效,它并不是掌控經濟的可靠原則。

A mistress lives perhaps too much in the present , but this immediacy is a lodestar 一個情人則可能過分注重此情此景,活在當下就是她的指導原則。