
lode n.1.礦脈;豐富的蘊藏。2.〔英方〕水路,(沼澤的)排...


Ningbo kat water meter co . , ltd . was set up in 1999 , the registered capital is 500000 rmb yuan , has workshop 1500 sq . , m . , 50 employees , 2 engineers and advanced machining equipment include numerical control machine tool , the meters include multi - jet dry type vane wheel water meter , liquid sealed vane wheel water meter , remote - reading water meter , liquid crystal indicator , liquid sealed vane wheel water meter , bottom lode vane wheel dry type water meter , conform to usa standard and are exported usa , south - east asia , europe 寧波凱特水表有限公司創建于1999年,為股份制企業,注冊資金50萬元,擁有廠房面積1500平方米,員工50人,總工程師1名和數控機床等先進的加工設備,產品包括旋翼干式水表、旋翼式液封水表、旋翼式遠傳水表及流量顯示器、下開門旋翼干式冷水水表、旋翼式全液封水表,符合美國標準,出口美國、東南亞、歐盟。

Furthermore , according to generalized plastic mechanics theory , a three yield surface model is researched basing on the experiment of other people and the shear yield surface in the stress lode angle direction is researched emphatically . by the new model , the fem program is also worked out in this paper 再者,本文在廣義塑性力學的基本理論框架下,在前人研究的基礎上,建立了一個土體的三屈服面模型,該模型更適合于數值計算,并在此基礎上著重研究了洛德角方向上的剪切屈服面。

It is in qing dynasty , he tian jade always takes suet white jade is top grade , white jade lode is gradually dry up in qing dynasty , then the source of blue jade is abundant , and there are many large or very large material stones , so qiang long emperor appreciated and liked it , as a result , blue jade became dear , the top grade of blue jade ' s value isn ' t under baiyu 年份當在清代,和田玉歷來以羊脂白玉為上品,但到了清代,白玉礦脈逐漸枯竭,青玉卻因為來源豐富,且時常有大塊甚至是特大塊原料石出現,因而頗得乾隆皇帝賞識喜愛,青玉的身價也從此飆升,上品的青玉其價值不在羊脂白玉之下!

Further research of lithofacies pvove : lode country output points belongs to tidal - flat facies . and the two sides belong to littoral facies - estuarine facies . ore area petrochemistry analyse also prove : intraclast congeries silica rock in basin have higher cu , ag abundance than circumference pena . the prominence inhomogeneity of the cu distribution indicates reconstruct of the late construction 礦區內巖石化學測量也證明:盆地內發育的內碎屑堆積硅質巖比周圍巖石具有更高的cu 、 ag元素地球化學豐度值, cu元素分布的顯著不均一性,表明了后期構造的改造作用。

Lode country assume silllike - similar silllike , and the next big anastigmatic , ground and west branch river set strench are consistent . it suffer the gravel silica rock , arena silica control . a handful of lode country or main lode country byway little orebody assume vein , or have the characteristic of balk reappear , compound of branch . these manifest the obvious characteristic of ore construct control 礦體以層?似層狀產出為主,其次為大的透鏡狀,地表延伸與西岔河組地層一致。受礫屑硅質巖、含礫砂屑硅質巖控制。少數礦體或主礦體旁側小礦體呈脈狀、或具尖滅再現、分支復合特征。

Eight billion dollars is no small amount of money . it makes china sound like the global profit lode it is so often reported to be 80億美元可不是個小數目。它使中國聽上去就像個全球利潤礦脈,媒體就經常這樣報道中國。

After the lode disappearance , the stress of each calculation point in the road diminishes quickly , particularly the verticial stress 當載荷消失后,路面內各計算點的應力值迅速減小,尤其豎向應力減小幅度更大。

From best graphics to interactions lode runner offers everything , what makes mobile games special ? and even more 從出色的畫面到互動性,淘金者將提供所有,它將讓手機游戲變得特別? ?甚至更多!

A preliminary analysis of ore - controlling factor and metallogenesis of gold lode zone in the central part of north burma 緬北中部脈金礦帶控礦因素及成礦作用淺析

After two decades the game concept of lode runner still retains all of its original charm 在20年以后,淘金者的游戲理念仍然建在,它仍然散發著它原來的魅力。

Lode stress parameter 洛德應力參數

Lode strain parameter 洛德應變參數

The big score ? the mother lode ? the one you ' ve been waiting for 什么大案子?是你期待已久的嗎?

We have hit the mother lode of mother lodes 就發現了無數的財寶

Son of a bitch ! we ' ve struck the mother lode 靠!我們挖到寶了!

. . . we have hit the mother lode of mother lodes 就發現了無數的財寶

What kind of mother lode are we talking about here ? for real . reality 多少財寶呢?說真的

These little buggers were exposed to the mother lode of radiation 這些東西暴露在輻射下

We found a what do you call it - - mother lode -我們找到了一種.你把他們叫什么? -主礦脈