
locust n.1.蝗蟲;蚱蜢。2.〔美國〕蟬。3.破壞者;貪吃的人...

locust bean

Do you make him leap like a locust , striking terror with his proud snorting 20是你叫它跳躍像蝗蟲嗎?它噴氣之威使人驚惶。

The locust - trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air 洋槐樹正開著花,空氣里彌漫著芬芳的花香。

Do you make him leap like a locust , striking terror with his proud snorting 20是你叫他跳躍像蝗蟲麼他噴氣之威使人驚惶。

Present status of locust outbreak and its sustainable control strategies in china 我國蝗蟲暴發成災的現狀及其持續控制對策

He gave their crops to the grasshopper , their produce to the locust 46把他們的土產交給螞蚱,把他們辛苦得來的交給蝗蟲。

Have you made him to leap like a locust ? his majestic snorting is terrible 20是你叫?跳躍像蝗蟲么? ?噴氣之威使人驚惶。

Swarms of locusts will take over all your trees and the crops of your land 42你所有的樹木和你地里的出產必被蝗蟲所吃。

The locusts ate up all kinds of things and all the green plants 那些蝗蟲什么都吃,任何綠色的植物都被它們吃光啦!

An introduction experiment of the narrow fast - growing clone of black locust in ningxia 窄冠速生刺槐無性系引種試驗

A senior german politician famously called them “ locusts ” in 2005 2005年,一個著名的資深政治家稱其為“蝗蟲” 。

The food of cattle egret was mostly spider , locust , cricket and frog 牛背鴛主要取食蜘蛛、蝗蟲、蟋蟀和蛙類。

Research on the locust calamity in jiangsu , zhejiang and anhui provinces during qing pynasty 清代蘇浙皖蝗災研究

Living off locusts and honey 以吃蝗蟲和蜂蜜為生

I fade away like an evening shadow ; i am shaken off like a locust 23我如日影漸漸偏斜而去我如蝗蟲被抖出來。

All your trees and the fruit of your land will be the locust ' s 你所有的樹木、和你地里的出產、必被蝗蟲所吃。

We mashed locusts and made bread 我們搗碎蝗蟲做面包

How do they get the locusts out 他們會怎麼趕走蝗蟲?

Ah , the white men are like locusts 白人們就象蝗蟲. .

All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume 42你所有的樹木和你地里的出產必被蝗蟲所吃。