
locum n.〔口語〕 = locum tenens.

locum tenens

Timothy harrington , late thrice lord mayor of dublin , imposing in mayoral scarlet , gold chain and white silk tie , confers with councillor lorcan sherlock , locum tenens . they nod vigorously in agreement 曾經連任三屆都柏林市長的蒂莫西哈林頓201 ,身穿市長的猩紅色袍子,胸佩金鏈,系著白絲領帶,儀表堂堂,與臨時代理洛坎舍洛克參議員攀談著。

And old barlow the macebearer laid up with asthma , no mace on the table , nothing in order , no quorum even and hutchinson , the lord mayor , in llandudno and little lorcan sherlock doing locum tenens for him 桌上沒有權杖,秩序一片混亂,連法定人數都不足。哈欽森市長在蘭迪德諾184呢,由小個子洛坎舍羅克作他的臨時代理185 。

A locum doctor hired for the night through an agency is not familiar with your facility s policy , discharges a child with asthma at 2am 透過某機構聘雇一位夜間值班的代理醫師,他不熟悉貴院的政策,凌晨兩點讓一位氣喘病的小孩出院。

The locum took two minutes to examine daniel , before prescribing medicine for an upset stomach 醫生經過了2分鐘的檢查后,給欣德爾開出了治療肚子痛的藥物。