
locomotory adj.=locomotor.


Whereas modern apes exhibit a rich repertoire of locomotory modes ? from the highly acrobatic brachiation employed by the arboreal gibbon to the gorilla ' s terrestrial knuckle walking ? early miocene apes were obliged to travel along tree branches on all fours 雖然現代猿的移動模式花樣繁多,例如長臂猿在樹間以雙臂移動身體、大猩猩在地面上以上肢手背關節支撐體重,但是中新世早期的猿類都以四肢在樹枝上活動。

The module can be used in testing and controlling diversiform weaponry locomotory cell , such as navigation , control and guide , servo control , angle control , so it has good universality 本模塊能夠對武器系統中導航、制導、伺服、角度控制等多種運動單元進行測試與控制,具有良好的通用性。

Vxibus weaponry locomotory cell integrated test and control module is one of the important modules for assembling the automatic test system of the weaponry Vxi總線武器系統運動單元綜合測控模塊是組建武器自動測試系統的主要模塊之一。

To realize the undulatory control of the flexible fin , a locomotory model is analyzed and a distributed control structure is designed 針對柔性長鰭特有的波動控制問題,本文分析了柔性長鰭的運動模型,并設計了一種分布式控制系統結構。