
locomotor adj.運動的,移動的,運動器官的。 locomotor...


The actual locomotor orderliness figure of the driven piece of the mechanism was drawn according to the collecting data and validated the conclusion found by the model : the main cause which brought the error of the cam mechanism was the error of the cam contour curve and it is necessary to amending it 根據測得的數據,得到了開牙凸輪機構從動件實際運動規律圖,并驗證了模型所得結論:在目前工作速度下凸輪機構的誤差來源主要是凸輪輪廓曲線誤差,需對輪廓曲線進行修正。

3 . when we reproduced the cam of the import machine , in order to minish the error and make the performance of the reproduction attain or transcend that of the original cam , one of the best method was the prosecution of reversed seeking of locomotor orderliness of the driven piece and the actualization of the error - amending of contour curve 3 )為減小復制進口機凸輪時的誤差,使復制的凸輪具有或超過原始凸輪的運動性能,最好辦法之一是對從動件運動規律進行反求,再對得到的誤差進行修正。

In contrast , transgenic mice overexpressing gat1 displayed ethanol tolerance , as shown by the righting reflex test . mi ce overexpressing gat1 survived a lethal dose of ethanol ( 9g / kg , i . p . ) longer , maintained locomotor activity longer after a sub - lethal dose ( 1 . 75g / kg , i . p . ) 相反,在翻正實驗中過量表達gat1的轉基因小鼠表現出顯著的酒精耐受;與同胎所生的野生型小鼠相比,轉基因小鼠在酒精致死劑量( 9g / kg , i . p . )下存活較長時間;在酒精低劑量( 1 . 75g / kg , i . p . )下維持更長時間的運動活力,相應的ld50也較高。

Dopamine ( da ) is the most abundant catecholamine neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain , where it controls a variety of functions including locomotor activity , cognition , emotion , positive reinforcement , memory and learning , and endocrine regulation 目的多巴胺( da )是腦中豐富的兒茶酚胺類神經遞質,廣泛參與運動、認知、學習與記憶、情感、內分泌、正性強化等多種生理功能的調節。

The other used a similar locomotor orderliness to substitute the original by compare . the new academic and actual contour curve of the cam and tracks of polar and right angle coordinates of the center of reamer were presented , too 第二種是通過與原開牙凸輪機構從動件運動規律相比較,采用一種相似的運動規律來替代原運動規律,也給出了凸輪理論輪廓曲線、實際輪廓曲線和刀具中心軌跡。

The one used the actual locomotor orderliness gained by reverse seeking to amend the contour curve of the cam . the new academic contour curve of the cam and tracks of polar and right angle coordinates of the center of reamer were presented 第一種是根據反求得到的實際從動件運動規律,修正了開牙凸輪輪廓曲線,給出了新的凸輪理論輪廓曲線和刀具中心極坐標軌跡和直角坐標軌跡。

The locomotor hypotheses about the kinematics of undulatory swimming are experimentally tested , while the parameters describing wave form are discussed with respect to some constrained conditions that must be satisfied during undulatory swimming 隨后定義了表征形態和運動特征的參數化運動描述,結合方程中參數的物理含義,討論可能存在的約束以及參數的一些典型性質。

Lesions of this nucleus produced augmentations of many behavioral measures including : locomotor activity , clockwise and anti - clockwise turnings , as well as stereotyped behavior in rats 破壞孤獨核及部份迷走神經的背側運動核也會影響心跳變慢及血壓降低等現象,但不明顯影響活動量。

So the author solved the reversed seeking of locomotor orderliness of the driven piece of the mechanism and presented it 故作者對開牙凸輪機構從動件運動規律進行反求,得到了實際從動件運動規律。

A new model for evaluating locomotor activity and central depressive drugs in different strain mice 不同品系小鼠自發活動特點及中樞抑制藥新評價模型

Physostigmine blocks behavioral locomotor sensitization induced by morphine in rats 毒扁豆堿對嗎啡導致的大鼠行為敏感化的抑制作用

These differences in day range have important locomotor implications 每天覓食?圍的差異,與行進模式的演化大有關系。