
locomotion n.1.運動,移動,位移;運動力,移動力,運轉力。2.旅...


“ we noticed that in the specimens of robust australopithecines , there were characteristics of the anklebone that would have affected its bipedal locomotion , “ said gary schwartz , an arizona state university anthropologist 此項研究的參與者美國亞利桑那州立大學的人類學家加里施瓦茲對此表示: “我們注意到,在粗壯型南猿的

Aimed at the mechnical flapping wing system of the bionicflying micro - robot including the micro - actuators , the bionic wing , the locomotion system , and the energy source , the scaling effect is analyzed 針對微型仿生撲冀飛行器的機械撲冀系統,包括微驅動器、仿生翅、運動系統和動力源等,本文進行了尺度效應分析。

Any of the proteinaceous cylindrical hollow structures that are distributed throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells , providing structural support and assisting in cellular locomotion and transport 蛋白質圓柱形空心結構,廣泛存在于真核細胞的細胞質中,為細胞內的移位和傳輸提供結構支持和協助。

“ it makes sense actually , “ gorb said . “ we know that all the extremities of ancestor arachnids probably had this possibility to adhere during locomotion , for example , or during prey capture . “這很有可能, “戈爾博說, “我們認為所有的蛛形綱動物祖先在行走時可能都具有粘附的本領.比如,在它們捕食的時候.

This animated film was created from over 4000 hand - made collages incorporating the figures from eadweard muybridge ' s human and animal locomotion , first published in 1887 一趟前往最深最私密的旅程正要展開,在一個房間里,在一張床上,在一張蝙蝠的覆蓋里,在一個女子對自己與世界的認識與熱愛里。

One scientists work provides material for an entirecourse , covering topics ranging from hydrodynamic stability andturbulence to electrohydrodynamics and the locomotion of smallorganisms 一位科學家的工作提供了一門完整課程的素材,涉及從流體動力學穩定性、湍流到流體電動力學、微生物的運動

“ to my knowledge , no other animals are using silk for locomotion , “ said stanislav gorb , a biologist at the max planck institute for metals research in stuttgart , germany 斯塔尼斯拉夫?戈爾博說, “在我們的認知范圍內,沒有其它動物會將吐絲用于行走. “ ,他是德國斯圖加特的馬普學會的生物學家

In order to solve the complex environment adaptiveness of humanoid robot , professor wu weiguo proposed a gorilla robot with multiple locomotion modes in 1999 為了解決仿人雙足步行機器人對于復雜地面環境的適應能力比較差,吳偉國教授于1999年提出了一種具有多種移動方式的類人猿機器人。

Based on the features of the bipeds , the locomotion of the multi - joints in the multi - spaces was decoupled and the composed gait design was performed with the decoupled time - space method 基于雙足機器人的步行特征,實施多時空和多關節的任務分離,進而實現多時空關節的步態分離規劃。

And explain the correlative parameters and the mechanics of the caudal fin locomotion . the equation of the robotic fish caudal fin locomotion is deduced in the third section 在第三部分,本文分析了魚類尾鰭推力方程,說明了提高尾鰭擺動的振幅和頻率可以提高尾鰭的前向推力。

Engineers have yet to solve fundamental problems involving robotic perception and world modeling , automated reasoning , manipulation of objects and locomotion 工程師還有很多根本的問題尚未解決,包括機器人的知覺、如何建立周遭環境的模型、自動推理、物品操作和行進方式等。

Steps 1 and 2 begin to explain how to structure the foundation , your body , to empower your stroke . move into the ball using your natural locomotion for rhythm and efficiency 第1課和第2課詳解了如何構建基礎,身體來賦于擊球力量.迎向來球,使用你自然的移動獲得節奏和效率

Covers sensory reception , reflex arcs , spinal cord organization , pattern generators , muscle function , locomotion , eye movement , and cognitive aspects of motor control 涵蓋了感覺傳入,反射弧,脊髓機子,運動模式產生,肌肉功能,運動,眼球運動,運動控制的認知。

A temporary fingerlike projection or lobe on the body of an ameboid cell . it is formed by a flowing action of the cytoplasm and functions in locomotion and feeding 指某變形蟲細胞表面臨時形成的指狀突起或裂片。通過細胞質流動所形成,以完成運動和取食功能。

Then , six - wheel - rocker - bogie rover and two - brace - slider rover are simulated in the same load , and the locomotion performances are compared 然后,在相同路面條件下,采用adams對雙曲柄滑塊月球車和六輪搖臂月球車進行仿真分析,并比較二者的各項移動性能。

Simulation results indicated that the algorithm can generate reconfiguration locomotion series automatically and efficiently in complex environments with any initial configuration 實驗表明,模塊連接機構和運動控制可行、有效,是一種很好的解決方案。

Selection for energetically efficient locomotion is therefore likely to be more intense among far - ranging animals because they have the most to gain 因此,長距離覓食動物比較可能受天擇的壓力,朝向耗能較少的行進模式演化,因為?們獲益最大。

The architecture of the robot mechanical system , the structure of the robot body , the hopping stance and the locomotion process are introduced 介紹了機器人機械系統的總體結構,給出了機器人的本體結構及起跳姿態,并分析了機器人的運動過程。

Between halts and stumbles , jerks and lurches , locomotion had at times seemed impossible . but at last he had made it , and was seated alongside of her 他停頓碰撞閃避退讓,有時幾乎無法前進,最后總算走到了,而且坐在了她的身邊。