
lockup 1.鎖,閉,鎖住。2.(學校等晚上的)關門時間。3.拘留...


The information management data exchange form of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 3 : data exchange form of surveillance professional guide department 看守所在押人員信息管理數據交換格式.第3部分:監管業務指導部門信息數據交換格式

But even so , the verification process must run as a background thread in any real - world application to avoid user interface lockup 但雖然如此,驗證進程在任何實際的應用程序中還是必須作為后臺線程運行,以避免用戶界面鎖定。

The information management data exchange form of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 1 : data exchange form of prisoner awaiting trial 看守所在押人員信息管理數據交換格式.第1部分:在押人員信息數據交換格式

Thus , in the event of a lockup , you will generally lose fewer of your recent metadata modifications than you would with reiserfs 因此,如果發生死鎖,那么,最近元數據修改的丟失,通常比使用reiserfs時要少。

The information management data exchange form of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 2 : data exchange form of lockup 看守所在押人員信息管理數據交換格式.第2部分:看守所信息數據交換格式

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 2 : code of surveillance professional guide department 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第2部分:監管業務指導部門編碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 22 : code of surveillance unit subordinate type 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第22部分:監管單位歸口類別代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 12 : code of temporary leave off lockup cause 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第12部分:臨時出所原因代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 19 : code of change lockup room cause 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第19部分:調整監室原因代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 23 : code of surveillance unit sort 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第23部分:監管單位類型代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 18 : code of using stop stool cause 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第18部分:使用戒具原因代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 15 : code of handle cases unit type 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第15部分:辦案單位類型代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 11 : code of mark of prisoner type 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第11部分:人員管理類別代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 13 : code of leave off lockup cause 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第13部分:出所原因代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 3 : code of prisoner awaiting trial 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第3部分:在押人員編碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 14 : code of stay lockup cause 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第14部分:留所原因代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 16 : code of award punish type 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第16部分:獎懲形式代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 7 : entering lockup cause code 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第7部分:入所原因代碼

The information management code of lockup for prisoners awaiting trial . part 21 : lockup scale code 看守所在押人員信息管理代碼.第21部分:看守所規模代碼