
locksmith 鎖匠。


The count soon heard the rattling of a bunch of skeleton keys , such as the locksmith brings when called to force a lock , and which thieves call nightingales , doubtless from the music of their nightly song when they grind against the bolt 伯爵不久就聽到一人串鑰匙的聲音,就是銅匠老是放在身邊準備開各種鎖的那種鑰匙串,這個玩意兒竊賊們稱之為“夜鶯” ,那無疑是因為開鎖的時候它會唱出玎玲當啷的夜曲的緣故。

Analyse with the cae of three dimension numereal mould , as request and capabity of the mould , design and analyse with the numereal mould , make the framework of mould maxinmize , uselife fully , cost minimize . process nc install all of locksmith eligible of the mould output of production 對三維數模進行cae分析,根據產品要求和性能,對數模進行模具折分和設計,使模具機構最佳化,壽命最大化,成本最小化

Needless to say , many hackers resent this definition . do locksmiths become burglars just because they could break into our house if they wanted to do so ? of course not 由于存在更好的技術,這仍然是高效的方式將幾萬行或幾十萬行的大程序縮減到只有數百個“潛在的問題” 。

Up to hk 500 reimbursement for locksmith services , and free 24 hours referral services for plumber , electrician , air - conditioner engineer and others 可獲賠償每次鑰匙匠開鎖的港幣500元費用,并享用24小時家居支援服務,其他免費轉介服務包括水喉匠電力維修冷氣機工程等。

Unfortunately , these premium locks also carry a premium price tag , especially when the fees charged by the professional locksmiths that install them are factored in 遺憾的是,這些優質的鎖都標著很高的價格,如果包括專業的鎖匠安裝費,價格就會更貴。

Reimbursement for locksmith service also including 24 - hour free referrals services for plumber , electrician , air - conditioner engineer and other referrals 鎖匠服務之補助及包括免費使用24小時轉介水喉匠電力維修冷氣機工程等服務

The enterprise tischendorf grysko gbr offers possibilities within the range locksmith ' s work and wage - band production as well as welding Tischendorf grysko gbr是一家生產不同尺寸建筑裝配工作,焊接操作,計時工資生產的企業。

Welcome discussion . no words , but old plating layer . a common locksmith could not easily make it . i think it ' s much earlier than wenge time 歡迎探討,沒有文字,有老的電鍍層啊,一般鉗工不太容易作啊,個人感覺比文革要早的多。

Warding files are used by locksmiths for filing ward notches in keys and also by other mechanics for filing narrow slots and in close spaces 鎖匠最適合使用,主要是為了銼削狹窄槽孔和狹窄的空間使用。

With words or not ? if no , it feels like chinese dao made by a good locksmith . please forgive me if not right ! ! 有無文字?如無,感覺是中國大陸“文攻武衛”期間好鉗工自己造的刀。說錯勿怪! ! !

Do locksmiths become burglars just because they could break into our house if they wanted to do so 難道僅僅因為如果修鎖匠想闖入我們房間就能夠闖入他就成為夜賊了嗎?

Wonderful ! i have a key for the door ! i purchased it from one of the locksmiths in town 太好了!我有這個門的鑰匙!我從城里的一名鎖匠那里買來的!

This key was furnished with a small iron point , - a negligence on the part of the locksmith 這把鑰匙上有一個小小的鐵刺,那是鎖匠一時疏忽留下來的。

However , no one answered the door and hence the woman called up a locksmith to open it 她到達單位外,但沒有人應門,于是通知一名鎖匠到場開門。

A skilled locksmith can duplicate many types of keys just by looking at the original 一名老練的鎖匠只要看一眼原物就可以復制出許多類型的鑰匙。

Because i have the key ! i lifted it from one of the locksmiths in town 因為鑰匙在我手上!我從城里一個鎖匠那里偷來的!

Locksmith ' s hammer . dimensions 鉗工錘.尺寸

Reimbursement for locksmith service 鎖匠服務

You ' re a locksmith , aren ' t you 你不是鎖匠么