
lockhart n.洛克哈特〔姓氏〕。


Operate daily between 4 p . m . and 12 midnight lockhart road , east point road and great george street ( between cannon road and paterson street ) 介乎景隆街和百德新街的一段駱克道、東角道和記利佐治街

Causes the victim to babble nonsense . lockhart once cured someone of this curse on his travels . or not 被此咒施中者會胡言亂語。洛克哈特曾經使用這個咒語在他旅行的時候,或者更本沒有過. . . ( - _ - ! !

Operate daily between 4 p . m . and 12 midnight lockhart road , east point road and great george street between cannon road and paterson street 介乎景隆街和百德新街的一段駱克道、東角道和記利佐治街

Pubs and bars in wan chai there are lots of eateries , pubs and bars around lockhart road , jaffe road and luard road 駱克道、謝斐道及盧押道附近酒吧食肆林立,各式中外美食包羅萬有,任君選擇。

Well , not until a certain git by the name of lockhart took over as defence against the dark arts teacher , at any rate 呵呵,直到有天有個叫洛哈特的飯桶當了黑魔法防御術老師,情況就不同啦。

Lockhart road between canal road west and cannon street will be closed ; d ) jaffe road between canal road west and cannon street will be closed 介乎堅拿道西及景隆街一段的謝斐道將會封閉;

A section of fleming road between lockhart road and hennessy road will be closed to facilitate the dispersal of crowds . 2 介乎駱克道至軒尼詩道的菲林明道將會封閉,以方便市民離去。

Increase the pedestrian green time of traffic lights at lockhart road and argyle street to facilitate pedestrians 延長駱克道及亞皆老街交通燈的行人綠燈時間,以方便行人。

Parking meters on yun ping road , lockhart road east of marsh road and jaffe road east of marsh road ; and 恩平道、馬師道以東的駱克道及馬師道以東的謝斐道咪表停車位;

Parking meters on yun ping road , lockhart road east of marsh road and on jaffe road east of marsh road 恩平道、馬師道以東的駱克道及馬師道以東的謝斐道咪表停車位;

Causeway bay mtr exit d1 , turn right , walk along lockhart road and then turn left to the excelsior 地鐵銅鑼灣站d1出口,右轉后沿駱克道走,然后左轉至香港怡東酒店。

Routes 10 , 11 and 31 at jaffe road . the red minibus stands at lockhart road will be suspended during public processions 位于謝斐道的第10 、 11及31號線專線小巴站。

The group welcomed the lockhart report , particularly the lifting of the ban on therapeutic cloning 其對洛克哈特報告(特別是解除對治療性克隆的禁令)持歡迎態度。

Lockhart once gave hagrid unsolicited advice on how to get kelpies out of a well ( cs7 ) 洛哈特曾經主動去指點海格怎樣驅逐井里的馬形水怪(密室,第7章) 。

Lockhart road ( east of cannon street ) , east point road and great george street ; and 駱克道(景隆街以東) 、東角道及記利佐治街;以及

Causeway bay mtr exit c , turn left and walk along lockhart road to percival street 地鐵銅鑼灣站c出口,左轉后沿駱克道走至波斯富街。

The artland gallery - 3 f lockhart centre , 301 - 307 lockhart road , wanchai , h . k 灣仔洛克道301 - 307號洛克中心三樓藝林畫廊2004 - 05 - 28

A section of northbound marsh road between hennessy road and lockhart road ; 6 介乎軒尼詩道與駱克道之間的一段馬師道北行線;六

Lockhart road east of cannon street , east point road and great george street ; and 駱克道(景隆街以東) 、東角道及記利佐治街;以及