
locket n.(掛在表鏈等下面裝相片等用的)小金盒。


Indeed , i shouldn t have discovered that he had been there , except for the disarrangement of the drapery about the corpse s face , and for observing on the floor a curl of light hair , fastened with a silver thread ; which , on examination , i ascertained to have been taken from a locket hung round catherine s neck 的確,要不是死人臉上的蓋布有點亂,而且我看見地板上有一綹淡色的頭發,我都不會發現他來過了。那頭發是用一根銀線扎著的,仔細一看,我斷定是從凱瑟琳脖子上掛著的一只小金盒里拿出來的。

There was one where a young lady was at a window looking up at the moon , and tears running down her cheeks ; and she had an open letter in one hand with black sealing wax showing on one edge of it , and she was mashing a locket with a chain to it against her mouth , and underneath the picture it said “ and art thou gone yes thou art gone alas . 這幅畫下面寫著“婉轉鳴啼,竟成絕唱。 ”在另一幅畫上,一位年輕的姑娘正憑窗仰望著月亮,眼淚沿著腮幫往下淌,一手拿著一封已經打開的信,信封的一頭還有黑色的火漆。她用力把帶鏈子裝照片的雞心盒子貼在嘴上。

With these words he approached the goblet to his lips , took a complacent draught of the cordial , slicked his hair and , opening his bosom , out popped a locket that hung from a silk riband that very picture which he had cherished ever since her hand had wrote therein 言訖,彼將杯湊至唇邊,以心滿意足之神態,飲甘露酒少許,撫發袒胸,拽出絲帶所系之小匣。匣內嵌有女友親筆題字之相片。

The little front window was strewn with a disarray of old - fashioned things : bracelets and lockets worn in days before the civil war , gold rings and silver boxes , images of jade and ivory , porcelain figurines 店子的小櫥窗里雜亂無章地擺滿了各種古玩:內戰前人們戴的手鐲、掛在項鏈上的小盒、金戒指、銀盒子、玉石和象牙制品、小瓷像等。

Gold and silver coins , bank cheques , banknotes , jewels , treasury bonds , maturing bills of exchange , i . o . u . s , wedding rings watch - chains , lockets , necklaces and bracelets are rapidly collected 轉眼之間就募到金幣與銀幣空白支票鈔票寶石債券已到期的匯票借據結婚戒指表鏈小金盒項鏈和手鐲。

The adult edition has a photograph of a locket bearing a serpentine “ s “ believed to be the “ horcrux “ in which lord voldemort keeps a fragment of his soul 本書發行兩個版本,兒童版封面為成人面貌的harry , hermione和ron成人版的則是lord voldemort的靈魂碎片。

At a jewelry store , a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend . “ shall i engrave her name on it ? “ the jeweler asked 在一家珠寶店里,一位年輕人買了一個貴重的小金盒作為送給女友的禮物。 “要我把她的名字刻在上面嗎? ”珠寶商問道。

Merope went to london , but was so destitute she sold her priceless gold locket to caractacus burke of borgin & burke ' s for a meager 10 galleons 梅洛普之后去了倫敦,然而在那里她窮得沒法,把金墜子以10加隆的低價賣給了博金博克店的老板卡拉克塔庫斯?博克。

Good luck charms , such as horseshoes , rabbits ' feet , coins , lockets , and religious medals , are commonly kept or worn to ward off evil or to bring good fortune 和我們一樣,老外也會帶一些護身符來避免壞運氣,比如硬幣,幸運符什么的。

Explode the gift box gives the friend a beautiful locket son , he will touch while open only of a , frighten on jumping greatly , re - usable 爆炸禮品盒送給朋友一個美麗的小盒子,他只要一打開就會碰的一聲,嚇一大跳,可重復使用。

A sigh of affection gave eloquence to these words and , having replaced the locket in his bosom , he wiped his eye and sighed again 無限溫存之嘆息愈益使此番話語感人至深。彼將小匣揣入懷中,并再度拭淚嘆息。

It was an old fashioned golden locket bearing miniatures of her father and mother with their names and the date of their marriage 那是一個刻著她父母的名字還有他們的結婚日期的老式金制的小飾盒。

Your kisses taste better than chocolate . i wish i could carry your sweetness around in the locket ?的吻比巧克力還要甜美,我希望我能將?的甜美收藏在我的小盒子。

He could see her as she unclasped from her neck the locket which she fastened about his own 他可以看到她從她的脖子松開了她緊固他自己的小飾盒。

I . can ' t take your locket 我不能拿你的東西

It was a gold locket 是一個金子做的小盒子

I . . . can ' t take your locket 我不能拿你的東西

It was a gold locket . . 那是一塊金色的盒墜…

Locket ' s influence on the world , viewing from his political ideology 由洛克的政治思想看其對世界的影響