
locker n.洛克〔姓氏〕。

locker paper

Danny : then you open his death locker . . 然后你打開了他的死亡抽屜

I can ' t remember which locker is mine 我記不起來哪個柜子是我的了

As of 2 : 55 , you are late . get changed in the locker room 在2 : 55以后你就遲到了去更衣室換衣服

Standard specification for steel emergency gear stowage locker 鋼制應急齒輪貨艙上鎖箱標準規范

And be lost forever to davy jones locker 然后就消失在這茫茫大海里

He was sinking to the crushing black oblivion of davy jones locker 他就這么沉進了汪洋大海里

In the women ' s locker room these morning 是如何跑到女換衣間去的?

A goose in my locker . it was huge 我的儲物箱里進了一只鵝巨大的鵝

- hey , did you go through my locker ? - no -你看了我的儲物柜? -沒有

From the locker room today , so - - oww - - 從儲物柜里面搬出來,所以- -

Can you go in the locker room before and after games 在賽前或者賽后你是否能進入球員休息室

Students can open the lockers by themselves 學生可自行開啟儲物箱。

Well , yeah , he brought it up in the locker room 呃,他寫在休息室里了

Excuse me , but . what are these lockers 對不起.這些箱子都鎖了些什么

We have to find the locker to get the key 我們必須找上鎖的人拿鑰匙。

Are there any lockers in your school 在你們學校有給學生用的儲物柜嗎?

Party ' s here . over here in the locker room 這邊開派對,在這邊的更衣室

Ok , i imagined that she followed me into the locker room , 好吧我想象她跟著我進了儲藏室

Locker in the train station . the locker has no number 火車站的儲物柜里面,柜子沒有號碼