
lockdown 〔美國〕單獨關押。


Kobe is in jordan ' s league as a high - energy , lockdown , will - killing perimeter defender - - which was why it was so puzzling during the phoenix series that kobe didn ' t demand to guard steve nash and keep him from forcing so many switching mismatches off pick - and - rolls 科比是個類似喬丹時代的精力旺盛,善于封鎖,意志堅定的外線防守者這也是為什么在和太陽的系列賽時科比不要求去防守納什,不去防止過多的配合失誤和單打,人們非常迷惑的原因。

Authorities say they detained a contract worker at the nation ' s largest nuclear power plant . they say he tried to enter the plant with a small explosive device in the back of his pickup truck . the plant about 50 miles west of downtown phoenix was put on lockdown 有關部門稱他們在國家最大的核電站拘留了一個合同工人.他們稱他試圖把裝在自己皮卡車的爆炸裝置帶入該核電站.該核電站地處菲尼克斯中心城區以西50英里處,目前已處于一級戒備狀態

The school was placed under lockdown until police had searched the building and determined there was no further threat to students , said patti holmgren , spokeswoman for the school system 教育系統女發言人帕蒂?霍蒙格林說,警方徹底搜查了學校并確認沒有進一步的危險,在此之前學校一直處于關閉狀態。

The school was placed under lockdown until police had searched the building and determined there was no further threat to students , said patti holmgren , okeswoman for the school system 教育系統女發言人帕蒂?霍蒙格林說,警方徹底搜查了學校并確認沒有進一步的危險,在此之前學校一直處于關閉狀態。

The school was placed under lockdown until police had searched the building and determined there was no further threat to students , said patti holmgren , spokeswoman for the school system 系統女發言人帕蒂?霍蒙格林說,警方徹底搜查了學校并確認沒有進一步的危險,在此之前學校一直處于關閉狀態。

Enabling this lockdown does not prevent access to the content control panel , but this option is available via policy 盡管啟用該鎖定不會禁止對“內容”控制面板的訪問,但該選項是通過策略實現的。

In addition , a new client policy lockdown feature lets you specify which policy settings your users can modify 另外,新的客戶機策略的向下鎖定功能允許指定用戶可以修改的策略設置。

The plant about 50 miles west of downtown phoenix was put on lockdown 該核電站位于菲尼克斯市西部約50英里之外,目前已被全面封鎖。

The plant about 50 miles west of downtown phoenix was put on lockdown 這個位于菲尼克斯市西部50英里外的核電站已被封鎖。

The plant about 50 miles west of downtown phoenix was put on lockdown 這座菲尼克斯市中心西部50里裝置將被封鎖。

And i need what every man needs when he ' s coming off the lockdown 我需要任何一個剛從監獄出來的男人都要的

And so this southern port city is truly in lockdown 現在這座南部的港口城市確實已經進入在高度戒備狀態了。

I ' m shutting you down . lockdown 我要把你們那里關閉-封鎖

Lockdown the entire facility immediately 馬上封鎖整個基地

Administrative lockdown of any feature to prevent misuse 出于管理目的可以鎖定任何功能以防止誤用。

And it ' s gonna go into crisis lockdown mode here at the house 然后整個屋子就會進入緊急管制狀態. .

And so this southern port city is truly in lockdown 這樣,這座南部港口城市就真的被禁閉了一樣。

And so this southern port city is truly in lockdown 這座南部港口城市顯然已經進入防備狀態。

Good . - well , lockdown won ' t be necessary 很好-呃,一級禁閉到沒必要