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lock step 連鎖步伐〔隊列行進時步伐完全一致;固定不變的方式[安排]...

lock stitch

The characteristic quantity ( like the “ transfer number “ defined in this thesis ) that describes the higher period orbits forms a sequence of phase - locked steps on the plane formed by it and the control parameter . all the phase - locked steps form a so - called prelude phase - locking staircase to type v intermittency 描述這些過渡高周期軌道的特征量(如本文定義的穿越數)在這個特征量和控制參量構成的平面上形成一系列鎖相臺階,所有的臺階構成所謂的v型陣發前奏階梯。

In order to verify these numerical results , we analytically obtained the end positions of the phase - locked steps those have the transfer number 1 / n and found a good agreement with the numerical results 為了驗證這一數值結果的正確性,我們解析求解了穿越數為1 / n的鎖相臺階的參數位置,發現和數值結果符合得很好。

Masters and servants unconsciously dancing in lock step . . 主人和仆人不知不覺地按同一步調起舞. .

Masters and servants unconsciously dancing in lock step 主人和仆人不知不覺地按同一步調起舞