
lock n.1.鎖,閂,栓。2.(運河等的)船閘。3.制輪楔。4...

lock bolt

The door locked on the inside . 門反鎖著。

I forgot to lock the door . 我忘記鎖門了。

Each cash truck had two tamperproof combination locks . 每輛現金車都裝有兩把防撬破的字碼鎖。

Most car doors are now fitted with child-proof locks . 汽車門現在大都裝有預防兒童開啟的鎖。

It is not my job to lock up ! 上鎖不是我的事。

Aye, drink up, then, and i'll see you through the lock . 好,喝茶吧,喝完后我送你過閘門。

The door locks automatically . 這門會自動鎖上。

A load lock system minimizes this problem . 使用裝卸密封系統能把這個問題減小到最小限度。

The key has stuck in the lock . 鑰匙卡在鎖里了。

It was determined to force the lock . 決定砸開鎖。

It would be just as well to lock the door when you go out . 出去的時候最好還是鎖上門。

He snapped the little lock with the blade of his stiletto . 他用短劍刀口迅速將鎖撬開。

He went in and locked the door . 他走進去把門鎖上。

The empty court is locked up . 空蕩蕩的法庭上了鎖。

There are nights when i sit for hours locked . 有時我夜間一坐就是幾個小時--一籌莫展。

A lock of dark hair curled across his forehead . 一綹蓬松的黑發彎曲地掛在他的前額上。

The ship was locked fast in ice . 這條船被冰封住了。

The negotiations came to a dead lock . 談判陷入僵局。

But the police were baffled by the locked gate . 但是警察被鎖著的大門弄得困惑不解。