
loci n.locus 的復數。


People with diabetes have too much ( locus ) glucose or sugars in their blood 糖尿病患者的血液中有太多的葡萄糖和糖。

The correlation between locus of control and self - worth of college students 大學生心理控制源與自我價值感的相關研究

An analysis of the labor market locus and barriers to development in china 中國勞動力市場運行軌跡及其發展障礙分析

Studies on association between tnf - locus gene polymorphism and serum lipds in chinese 基因多態性與血脂關系的研究

Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of d17s30 locus in hebei han population 30位點擴增片段長度多態性

The study on movement locus of phase order indicator neutr al point potential 相序指示器中性點電位飄移軌跡的研究

Locus of control and depression 心理控制源與抑郁

Develop locus and growth characteristics of the poetic style of chinese poem 古代漢詩詩體的演變軌跡及生成特點

We gotta go find locus fender . he knows exactly where the money is 我們得找到盧卡斯范德他知道錢在什么地方

Mama ? - locus . . . fuck ' em 媽媽? -盧卡斯,他們活該

The fluctuation of grain price and the locus of income increase of the farmers 糧食價格波動與農民增收的軌跡

Advances in loci mapping and analysis of quantitative traits of crops 作物數量性狀基因座定位及分析研究進展

A study on the generation of locus for hybrid - driven five - bar mechanism 精確實現給定軌跡的混合驅動五桿機構

Study on quantitive trait locus affecting bread - making quality in wheat 影響小麥加工品質數量性狀位點的研究

Polymorphism of 13 str loci for establishment of chinese criminal dna database 位點基因在中國人群中的分布

Fibers from locus coerulus to cerebellum 藍斑小腦纖維

The driver ' s name was locus fender 司機名叫盧卡斯范德

The genetic polymorphism of 8 str loci in northern chinese han and uygur populations 位點的遺傳多態性

A study of three ministr loci for samples the dna degraded 基因座在高度降解檢材中的應用及其遺傳多態性