
loch n.〔蘇格蘭語〕1.濱海湖。2.海灣。


For a long time the mysterious monster was considered just a joke . but things changed in 1966 . then , some photo experts of the royal air force reported on their study of a film of the “ monster “ . they said that there really is some huge objects in loch ness and it ' s probably alive 在相當長的一段時間里,人們只不過把尼斯湖的神秘的動物當作是一個玩笑,但是在1966年這種情況改變了,英國皇家空軍研究報告表明:尼斯湖里確實有某種巨大的物體,而且這個物體可能是有生命的!

In point of fact , throughout much of the 20th century it was entirely reasonable to speculate about and search for bigfoot , as it was for the creatures of loch ness , lake champlain and lake okanagan ( scotland ' s nessie , the northeastern u . s . ' s champ and british columbia ' s ogopogo , respectively ) 事實上,就20世紀大部份的時間來說,思考與尋找大腳的存在是完全合理的,一如我們尋找蘇格蘭尼斯湖的水怪妮西、美國善普連湖的水怪錢普,以及加拿大奧卡納干湖中的水怪奧高普高一樣。

After criticizing the subjectivism of knowledge theory which is offered by such as descartes , loch , my paper offers the view that the traditional knowledge is different from the other scientific knowledge and modern knowledge because it is unclassified itself and objective knowledge 在文章最后為克服制度障礙、保護知識傳承提出了三條較為可行的發展路徑,并對知識經濟時代下如何發揮傳統知識的優勢提出了相應對策建議。

The loch ness monster , sometimes called nessie or ness ( scottish gaelic : niseag ) , is a mysterious and unidentified animal or group of animals claimed by some to inhabit loch ness , a large deep freshwater loch near the city of inverness in northern scotland 尼斯湖水怪是由尼斯湖邊的原住民聲稱發現的一種或一組神秘的動物,尼斯湖位于愛爾蘭以北,一片深水淡水湖。

Two months ago internet chatrooms began racing with a rumour that a cock salmon nearly five feet long and the best part of 50 inches in girth had been caught in a deep pool near the northern entrance of loch ness 格蘭特花了七個小時試圖在岸邊停整午憩之前捕獲它,接下來疲勞所致,不得已,他只好頭一次把魚線穿過自己的牙縫以保證它不會逃脫。

As scotland is known as the birthplace of golf , loch lomond golf club enjoys the history and tradition associated with golf in the homeland , yet the club provides an experience uniquely its own 蘇格蘭被稱作高爾夫的誕生地,羅夢湖俱樂部獨享高爾夫之鄉的歷史和傳統。俱樂部還提供了其它獨特的體驗,到處都是驚人的美景。

London , england ( reuters ) - - a british bookmaker offered a one million pound ( $ 2 million ) reward on monday to anyone who can prove that scotland ' s legendary loch ness monster does actually exist 倫敦英國(路透社) - -一位英國作家本周一表示,如果有人能證明蘇格蘭傳說中的尼斯湖水怪的確存在的話,他將獎勵給其100萬英鎊。

They included such beasts as giant ichthyosaurs that might have reached 25 meters in length and plesiosaurs with seven - meter - long necks reminiscent of the fabled loch ness monster in scotland 這些動物包括有著25米長龐大身軀的魚龍和讓人想起蘇格蘭尼斯湖怪獸故事的有著七米長脖子的蛇頸龍。

More than one slippery creature is said to be living in loch nessie [ 1 ] [ 2 ] . in any case , people have reported seeing a humped “ what - is - it “ for over 30 years 據說尼斯湖里有不止一個令人難以捉摸的動物。不管怎么說, 30年來一直不斷有人報導見到了一個有駝峰般隆起的背部的“不知是什么“的動物。

So a sea slug could shape its body into the one , two , three or more humps that different people say they have seen . how did nessie get into loch nessie ? from the sea , all say 因此,像不同的人所說的那樣,海蛞蝓也應該能將它的身體形成一個二個三個或更多個的駝峰形隆肉形式。

Ariel has finished reading loch , she has her own views towards the role of huang rong , and she insists that she doesn ' t watch the previous versions of huang rong 日前她終于讀完《射雕英雄傳》 ,對黃蓉有自己的看法,但她堅持不看前幾版的黃蓉演出。

Framed by towering hills and bounded by the loch , the course winds through an abundance of trees and wildlife without seeming to disturb a blade of grass 被高聳的山林圍繞,湖水環抱,整個賽道蜿蜒穿過豐富的樹林和野生景物,卻沒有弄亂一片樹葉。

More than one slippery creature is said to be living in loch nessie . in any case , people have reported seeing a humped “ what - is - it “ for over 30 years 不管怎么說, 30年來一直不斷有人報導見到了一個有駝峰般隆起的背部的“不知是什么”的動物。

Asked if the next collection would be based on scotland ' s legendary loch ness monster , he smiled and said : “ ooh . have you found it ? 問及下一系列是否為蘇格蘭傳奇尼絲湖水怪,他微笑說: “噢,你找到它了? ”

Over hickam field they were a mere 40 to 50 meters , and as they approached the southeast loch , they dropped to about 20 “飛臨希卡姆機場上空時,高度僅有四五十米。它們在接近東南部海灣時投下約20枚炸彈。 ”

Loch lomond sits on the historic clan colquhoun estate , which is steeped in scottish tradition dating back to the 12th centruy 羅夢湖坐落在歷史上著名的考庫郝恩部落的地產上,其歷史傳統可以追溯到12世紀。

The world ' s biggest and most famous kelpie is the loch ness monster , although it is often mistaken for a sea serpent ( fb ) 世界上體積最大,最出名的馬形水怪是尼斯湖怪,只是常被誤認為是海蛇(神奇動物) 。

In 1934 , dr robert wilson photographed a long - necked creature in the murky water of loch ness in scotland 1934年羅伯特?威爾森博士在蘇格蘭濃霧彌漫的尼斯湖上拍攝到了一只長著長脖子的動物。

Die firma m ller und co . pfeift auf dem letzten loch . hoffentlich gibt ihr die bank noch mal kredit 米勒合伙公司已經山窮水盡了。但愿銀行還能給他們一點貸款。