
locator n.1.定位器;探測器;無線電定位器,雷達。2.勘定地界...


In some cases , the locator “ s function may be hidden with in the linker 在一些情形下,定位程序功效暗藏在連接程序中。

In some cases , the locator “ s function may be hidden with in the linker 在一些情況下,定位程序功能隱藏在連接程序中。

Tell everyone to turn their locator belts on . anybody sees anything 告訴每個人打開他的定位腰帶如果有人看到了什么

Url uniform resource locator 統一資源定位器

It locates this new document using a uniform resource locator string 它使用統一資源定位器( url )字符串定位此新文檔。

Url uniform resouice locator 統一資源定位器

Uniform resource locator 統一資源定位符url

You find the information of interest by using the word as a key locator 使用單詞作為鍵定位器來尋找感興趣的信息。

Postal services - automated processing of mail items - address block locator 郵政服務.郵件的自動處理.地址塊定位器

Elt emergency locator transmitter 緊急位置?信器

Object paths are conceptually similar to uniform resource locators 對象路徑在概念上類似于統一資源定位器( url ) 。

Loads the document at the specified uniform resource locator into the 將指定的統一資源定位符( url )處的文檔加載到

For a good description of dependency injection and the service locator ,該文清楚地描述了依賴注入和服務定位。

Includes product summary , dealer locator , photos , and contact information -生產銷售草地球,健身球等相關產品。

A locator is a node that marks a position in world space 一個定位器是一個節點在世界坐標空間的標記的一個位置。

Emergency locator transmitter elt 緊急位置發射機

Has a good description of dependency injection and the service locator ,很好地描述了依賴注入和服務定位器。

The cans contain both a phone and a gps locator devise Gps罐裝汽水內安裝了手提電話及gps追蹤位置晶片。

Locator lights for airborne applications - specification for liferaft lights 航空用定位燈.救生船照明燈規范