
location n.1.定位;【鐵路】定線,〔美國〕測量,設計。2.位置...


Three factors affect ignition, fuel vaporization, sparkplug location and spark energy . 影響點火的因素有三個,即燃油的蒸發、火花塞的位置和火花能量。

He could compute the location of an object in the sky for any date in the past or future . 他可以估算出在過去或將來任何日期一個物體在空中的位置。

In our example, the 256-location ram will reside in the last 256 locations of the memory . 在本例中,256個地址的RAM占用了存貯器的最后256個單元。

Very little load was placed on the cantilever because of its size and the location of the curb . 由于尺寸及路緣石位置的原因,懸壁上的荷載很小。

Practical applications for heat flow measurements in ocean floors are the location of hot brines . 洋底熱流量測量的實際目的是圈定熱鹵水的位置。

The dashed lines on the rotors show the locations of the recesses and how deep they are . 轉子上面的虛線就示出了凹槽的局部位置及其深度情況。

It was discovered that pendulum clocks recorded time differently depending on their location . 人們發現擺鐘在不同的地點所記錄的時間不同。

Once the shell and membranes are added, the organism enjoys a protected location . 一旦蛋殼和殼模加上后、里面的微生物便受到它們的保護。

Often all the locations in a data area have the same scope in the source program . 一個數據區中所有單位在源程序中常常有相同的定義域。

Judgement concerning the location of fruit orchards are based on critical temperature . 有關果樹園址的設置是根據關鍵的氣溫來判定的。

Judgments concerning the location of fruit orchards are based upon critical temperature . 有關果樹園址的設置是根據臨界氣溫來判定的。

It is necessary to compile a network of locations with the required environmental measurements . 必須編排具有所需環境測量的地點網。

The experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel at a location 50 ft downwind from the fan . 實驗是在風洞中距離風機50英尺處進行。

The greatest stress is found at the location on the cross section where v is the largest . 最大應力出現在橫截面上V為最大的地方。

The central location of curve b lies to the right of those of curve a and curve c . 曲線B的中心位置在曲線A和C的中心位置的右側。

The mass of the pendulum bob does not change from one location to another on the earth's surface . 擺錘的質量在地面各處都一樣。

Each store location in a computer can hold a certain number of binary digits . 計算機內的每一個存儲單元能保存一定量的二進制數。

The massive-head buttress dam has some attractive features for certain locations . 大頭支墩壩對于某些地區仍有其值得注意的特色。

Locations on the earth's surface are specified in terms of the earth's axis of rotation . 地面的定位是沿著地球的自轉軸而定的。