
locally adv.1.在地方上。2.局部地,在局部上。3.在本地。


“ all the food here is locally produced in shuangxi . 香積志工說,所有這里的菜都是雙溪出產。

Maybe it ' s justice ' s locally property 也許這就是正義只存在一處的例子

Therefore , it is suitable only for testing pages locally 因此,它只適用于在本地測試網頁。

Called shining - leaf stenotaphrum locally , it is quite 該草在香港又稱光鈍葉草,并不普遍。

If true , the item is copied locally 如果為true ,則會在本地復制該項。

The application is run locally on the client computer 在客戶端計算機上本地運行應用程序。

Outbreaks of the disease occurred locally 該病的爆發發生在局部地區。

Describes locally - persisted changes in source control 描述源代碼管理中在本地保留的更改。

More than 390 native tree species have been recorded locally 本地共錄得逾390種本土樹木。

Does monotone locally bounded function definitely have extreme “單調有界函數必有極限“嗎

Monitoring remote and locally running packages 監視遠程和本地運行的包

List of locally felt earth tremors since 1979 1979年以來的本地有感地震

Environmental protection , think worldly , act locally 環境保護,從全球著眼,從本地入手。

Hamiltonicity of connected n2 - locally connected k1 , 4 - restricted graphs 受限圖的哈密頓性

Iis installed locally on your computer Iis已在本地安裝在您的計算機上。

Some properties of weak locally uniformly convex banach spaces 局部一致凸空間的一些性質

Check if the domain account name is also defined locally 檢查本地是否定義了域帳戶名。

You can back up data locally or over a network 你能地方性地或在一個網絡之上備存數據。

Following is an example of an attribute declared locally 下面是局部聲明的屬性的示例: