
localize vt.1.使局限于某一地方[局部];使(軍隊)分駐各地。...


A string representing the localized attribute 表示本地化屬性的字符串。

For more information on localized resources , see the 有關本地化資源的更多信息,請參見“

Specifies whether a property should be localized 指定屬性是否應本地化。

Instances to and from their corresponding localized 實例與其對應的本地化

Names are programmatic names and are not localized 名稱是與程序相關的,未進行本地化。

To change localized text requires the following 更改已本地化的文本需要執行下列操作:

Security and localized satellite assemblies >安全性和已本地化的附屬程序集

Part 6 : localize web services with a sla guarantee 第6部分:用sla保證本地化web服務

Property is used to help localize page content 屬性用于幫助本地化頁內容。

Property to a localized message that corresponds to the 對應的本地化消息。

The localized error message string specified by message 指定的本地化錯誤信息字符串。

Multicultural education ' s localizing must be handled carefully 本土化要慎行

Open the excel project that you want to localize 打開要本地化的excel項目。

Xml documents and data globalizing and localizing applications 生成并調試office項目

To provide localized resources , you need to 若要提供本地化資源,需要執行下列操作:

Is not as useful in localized applications 不如在本地化應用程序中那般有用。

It is unlikely to localize this disease 把這種疾病控制在局部地區是不可能的。

The thoughts of culture on marxism localizing in china 馬克思主義中國化的文化思考

Localizing china ' s educational theory research 對我國教學理論研究本土化的理性思考