
localizable adj.能地方化的,可以定域的。-ability 【物理...


( 2 ) according to national building mortar design regulations ( nbmdr ) , and applying to scientific avenue of orthogonal design experiment , performance and impact factors of dry - mortar produced by localizable phosphor slag , flying - ash , ordinary silicate cement , and yellow sand ( 2 )根據國家建筑砂漿設計規程,應用正交試驗分析等科學方法,試驗研究了用本地磷渣、粉煤灰、普通硅酸鹽水泥、黃砂等原料配制的干拌砂漿性能及其影響因素。

In visual basic 6 . 0 , international versions of an application are created by putting all localizable information , such as strings , into a separate resource file . res for each language . at run time , locale - specific resources are loaded from the resource file by calling the 在visual basic 6 . 0中,創建應用程序的各種國際化版本的方法是:將所有可本地化的信息(如字符串)放入一個單獨的、供所有語言使用的資源文件( . res )中。

Visual web developer then creates the base resource file for the current page , which includes a key name pair for every localizable control of every asp . net web server control on the page . finally , visual web developer adds a 然后, visual web developer為當前頁創建基資源文件,該文件中包含頁面上每個asp . net web服務器控件的每個可本地化控件的鍵/名稱對。

The visual designer includes it when serializing localized resources . the designer will persist the property value to the culture - neutral resource file or other localization source when the control is polled for localizable properties 對控件輪詢可本地化的屬性時,設計器會將此屬性值保存到非特定于區域性的資源文件或其他本地化源中。

The user interface block contains only localizable user - interface elements such as strings , error messages , dialog boxes , menus , embedded object resources , and so on for the neutral culture 用戶界面塊僅包含非特定區域性的可本地化用戶界面元素,如字符串、錯誤信息、對話框、菜單、嵌入的對象資源等。

Satellite assemblies contain localized resources which contain non - localizable executable code and resources for a single culture that serve as the default or neutral culture 附屬程序集包含本地化資源,這些資源包含單個區域性(用作默認或非特定區域性)的非本地化可執行代碼和資源。

When you save the localized . resx file , visual studio writes only the localizable properties properties that changed in the target culture to the file 保存本地化后的. resx文件時, visual studio只將可本地化的屬性(已在目標區域性中更改的屬性)寫入該文件。

Robust parsers of sdlinsight extract all the localizable resources and present them to the user in a well - structured and easy - to - use localization environment 這種技能對工程師的編程技能和對macintosh程序的了解提出了較高的要求。

Localizable resources include user interface elements such as strings , error messages , dialog boxes , menus , and embedded object resources 可本地化的資源包括用戶界面元素,如字符串、錯誤信息、對話框、菜單以及嵌入的對象資源。

Now that you can create localizable forms , consider implementing a dynamic layout that proportionally adjusts as the user resizes the form 注意,可以創建適于本地化的窗體,考慮實現當用戶調整窗體大小時按比例調整的動態布局。

Expression strings reference a localizable resource , an application setting , a connection string , or a custom expression type 表達式字符串引用一個可本地化的資源、應用程序設置、連接字符串或自定義表達式類型。

Each control can have different properties designated as localizable , although most text - based properties are marked that way 為每個控件指定的可本地化的屬性可能不同,但大多數基于文本的屬性已標記為可本地化。

Current researches on dry - mortar are focused on localizable technique , craftwork , and machine of production in our country 目前我國干拌砂漿的研究主要集中在“本地化”生產技術和工藝、研制國產生產設備等。

Visual web developer generates a resource string for each property that is designated internally in the control as localizable Visual web developer為在控件內部指定為可本地化的每個屬性生成一個資源字符串。

Uses the provided resource writer to persist the localizable properties of the associated control to a resource in the design host 使用提供的資源編寫器將關聯控件的可本地化屬性保持到設計宿主中的某個資源。

Typically , amended information is localizable information attached to the wmi object , such as object and property descriptions 通常,已修正信息就是附加在wmi對象上的可本地化信息,如對象和屬性說明。

A localizable description of the template or wizard as it will appear in the add item dialog box when the item is selected 當選定項后,將在“添加項”對話框中顯示的模板或向導的可本地化說明。

Have the project system generate the resource files for localizable ui elements such as text and images on the form 使項目系統為可本地化的用戶界面元素(如窗體上的文本和圖像)生成資源文件。

If an application is localizable , you have correctly separated the application s executable code from its resources 如果應用程序可本地化,說明已正確地將應用程序的可執行代碼同其資源分開。