
locality n.地點,位置,場所,方向;地區;(植物的)產地;環境。...


Effects on program locality 對程序區域性的影響。

Localities , even individual villages developed their own languages 許多地區,甚至各村子都有他們自己的語言

Performance optimization of state inspection based on ip traffic locality 流本地性的狀態檢測性能優化方法

Much lore also centres on the patron saints of various localities 很多口頭傳說也以各地的守護神為中心。

The locality is within lantau country park under protection 但生長地點位于大嶼山郊野公園內而受到保護。

In other localities or locality 在外地根據需要單指或復指

Gomytown . com - directory of various localities in the united states 在美國的各種各樣的地區的目錄。

In the locality time 8day 15 : 20 mt bromo started bursting 布羅莫火山當地時間8日15時20分開始爆發。

The entire directory only in china localities 只限于中國地區

Hong kong is within the locality of their natural distribution 香港屬于恒河猴天然分布范圍之內。

Affinity , locality and emergence of owners of township enterprise 地緣關系與鄉鎮私營企業主的生成

Locality variety of nantong rabbish and its purifier techniques 南通地方蘿卜品種及其提純保純技術

The cultural resources of henan has brilliant locality 摘要河南省的文化資源具有鮮明的地域性。

On public libraries ' taking part in the cultural study of locality 論公共圖書館參與地域文化研究

Hong kong is outside the locality of their natural distribution 香港并非它們的天然分布地區。

Commend advanced locality in afforestation drive 表揚綠化先進地區

Oesophageal cancer is relatively common in our locality 食道癌又稱食管癌在本地頗為普遍。

Tax incentives to new investments in locality -對地方投資實行稅收獎勵

There are several supermarkets in the locality 這個地區有好幾家超市。