
localism n.1.地方風俗。2.土話,方言,土音。3.鄉土觀念,地...


Power - oriented political integration pattern of modern nation - state , relying on its abstract locality - beyond identification mechanism , accomplishes the national integration of split societies . however , the lack of inherency and localism in this integration and consequently the crisis in standardizing structure unanimously , as well as the diversity of identification and the alienated state among individuals and groups , bring about the biggest domestic problem in politics in each nation - state after the cold war 現代國家憑借超地方的抽象認同機制,實現了現代分化社會的國家整合,但是,由于這種整合形式并不具有內生性和地方性,因此,在完成機械整合的同時,又不免造成了國家倫理的喪失、規范結構的失范,以及群己之間的認同差異和認同危機。

This dissertation indicates that because of localism and individualism in american culture , it “ s own history of nation - building , american selected the representative institution of congressmen representing constituency , but congress which acts as public institution serving the national interests , also give the role of congress and it “ s members representing a nation . thus , the constitution of u . s . has designed congressional dual roles , which is historical origin of the tension in congressional culture 本研究表明:由于美國的地方主義和個人主義文化,以及獨特的建國歷程,美國憲政設計時雖然選擇了議員代表選區的代表制度,但是,國會作為國家利益實現的公共機構,一開始就為國會和議員設定了代表國家的角色,因此,憲政安排事實上為國會設計了雙重角色,這是國會文化內在張力的歷史淵源。

In view of the close relationship between quantifiers and nouns and the important position of quantifiers in chinese , this paper aims to help people treating chinese as the second language grasp the match relationship between quantifiers and nouns and people whose mother language is chinese , but because of many kinds of localism in our country , find out error match relationship between quantifiers and nouns in chinese texts easily through researching the match relationship between quantifiers and nouns and the way finding out errors of the match relationship according to rules that a quantifier how to match nouns 基于量詞和名詞的親密關系和量詞在漢語中的重要地位,本文就以漢語量詞和名詞的搭配關系為切入點,研究漢語量詞和名詞的搭配以及查找出文章中這樣搭配的錯誤,旨在對那些還沒熟練掌握漢語的人,能很容易找出詞語搭配的錯誤;即便對以漢語為母語的人,因為中國地域廣闊,方言很多,也能對他們知道詞語間的正確搭配有所幫助。

On the one hand , we had to combat the right tendency of localism and guerrilla - ism , which consisted in clinging to guerrilla habits and refusing to make the turn to regularization , a tendency which arose because our cadres underestimated the changes in the enemy ' s situation and our own tasks 一方面,要反對沉溺于游擊性而不愿向正規性轉變的右的地方主義和游擊主義的傾向,這是由于干部對已經變化的敵情和任務估計不足而發生的。

Localism exists among the local guerrilla units and local governments , which are frequently preoccupied with local considerations to the neglect of the general interest , or which prefer to act each on its own because they are unaccustomed to acting in larger groups 地方主義是存在于地方游擊隊和地方政府中間的,他們往往只顧地方的利益,忘記全局的利益,或貪圖分散活動,不慣集團生活。

The formation of his unique version was concluded from two aspects : on one hand , it comes from the author ' s anxiety and expectation of the rural modernization transformation ; on the other , it comes from the author ' s strong localism 其獨異文本的形成一方面緣于作者對鄉村現代化轉換的焦慮與期待,另一方面緣于作者那份厚重的鄉土情懷。

China ' s architectural ideological trend development must adapts the change of society , which caused the modernism , historical principle , localism performance and affected in the period 中國的建筑思潮的發展也為適應這樣的時代和社會變動而發生著變化,現代主義,歷史主義傾向,地方主義傾向幾種思潮的在十年內都有表現,并相互影響。

Now , the world is the times in which globalization melt with localization parallel development , and globalism and localism mutual prominent emergence 當今世界已是一個全球化和地區化并行發展、全球主義和區域主義共同崛起的時代。

This essay illustrates zhao shu li ' s localism mainly from three aspects : the local standpoint , the local consciousness and the local text form 文章主要從鄉土立場、鄉土意識、鄉土文本形式三個方面論述趙樹理的鄉土情懷。

At a time when demands for localism and internationlism coexist , social development needs to be even more far - sighted 在內有本土化、外有國際化的時代沖擊之下,今后的社會發展必須更具有前瞻性。

The harmfulness , causes and countermeasures for localism and departmentalism in the actions of policemen enforcing law 公安執法活動中的地方保護主義部門保護主義的危害成因及對策

The factors resulting in sichuan provincial localism during the autonomous movement in early period of rc 民初川省地方主義在自治運動期間出現的條件

Perspective of zhaoshuli ' s localism 透視趙樹理的鄉土情懷

Localism and yan xishan ' s governing shanxi province 地方主義與閻錫山治晉

Re - inquiry into localism of chinese social work 甘肅阿克塞哈薩克族自治縣的案例研究

The revolution of 1910 and the localism in modern china 辛亥革命前后人的現代化