
local adj.1.地方的,當地的,本地的。2.局部的。3.鄉土...

local colour

He works on the assembly line at the local car factory . 他在本地汽車制造廠裝配線上工作。

There is a new play coming on at the local theatre next week . 下星期本地劇院有新戲上演。

The local people regard these crabs as a great delicacy . 當地人認為這些螃蟹是珍饈美味。

The deposition of fat may be general or local . 脂肪的沉積可以是全身性的,或者是局部性。

A unilateral discharge may be due to local inflammation . 單側分泌物可能由局部炎癥引起。

The local people are always very friendly towards tourists . 當地人對游客一向十分熱情。

The host was interviewing a local columnist . 節目主持人正在同一位當地的專欄作家交談。

The local cinema has been made into a bingo hall . 當地的電影院已被改成賓果游戲廳了。

The local slant-eyes were feeding them spy information . 這里的吊眼梢給他們偷送情報。

He is one of the cohorts of the local political boss . 他是當地政治大亨的黨徒之一。

Urban areas have depended on local sources of food . 城市地區都依靠當地的糧食來源。

The exact voltages used depend on the local supply . 具體電壓要視地區供電情況而定。

Local colour adds peculiar interest to the novel .. 地方色彩給這部小說增加了興味。

The enterprise has been put under local administration . 這個企業已劃歸地方管理。

The flower show was judged by the local mp . 花卉展覽由當地的下議院議員擔任評判。

Walnut is a local specialty here . 核桃是此地的土特產。

His father was a professor at a local high school . 他父親是當地一個高中的教師。

He was educated at the local comprehensive school . 他曾在地區的綜合中學受教育。

He is every inch a local despot . 他徹頭徹尾是個土皇帝。