
lobule n.1.【植物;植物學】小裂片;腹片。2.【解剖學】小葉...


The histopathologic study revealed a basaloid tumor composed of lobules of basaloid cells as well as sebaceous differentiation , which led to the final deagnosis of sebaceoma ( sebaceous epithelioma ) 組織病理學檢查顯示此為由許多嗜堿性細胞所組成的腫瘤,同時有皮脂腺分化的特徵,因此我們診斷其為皮脂瘤(皮脂腺上皮瘤) 。

The cerebellum is divided into 10 lobules , among which there are no folia except for 2 folia in and , 3 folia in . and are in the shape of triangle , from to are straight leaves 小腦分10葉,除葉及葉分2小葉、葉分3小葉外,其余各葉不再分小葉;葉和葉呈三角形,葉呈直葉狀。

More important , thought the l2 tasks were more difficult and thus caused more intensive activation in bilateral parietal lobule , the broca ' s area was less intensively activated in the l2 tasks 更重要的是,雖然英文任務更難,也更多地激活了雙側的頂葉區域,但是它在額葉誘發的激活強度顯著低于中文。

Prostatic adenocarcinoma is famous for metastasizing to the lungs in a “ lymphangitic “ pattern in which streaks of tumor appear between lung lobules and beneath the pleura in lymphatic spaces 前列腺腺癌通過淋巴道轉移到肺,肺葉之間和胸膜下的淋巴管中都可見癌細胞。

When viewed under a microscope , the liver is seen as large network of units called hepatic lobules . the hepatic lobule is very small and looks like a six - sided cylinder 肝的微細結構在顯微鏡下,肝臟是由肝小葉為單位的網狀結構。肝小葉非常小,是六棱柱體。

When viewed under a microscope , the liver is seen as large network of units called hepatic lobules . the hepatic lobule is very small and looks like a six - sided cylinder 在顯微鏡下,肝臟是由肝小葉為單位的網狀結構。肝小葉非常小,是六棱柱體。

Grossly , there are areas of necrosis and collapse of liver lobules seen here as ill - defined areas that are pale yellow . such necrosis occurs with hepatitis 肉眼可見壞死區域和肝小葉結構崩解,表現為淡黃色的模糊區域。肝炎時發生這種壞死。

There are cystically dilated ducts , areas of lobules that are laced with abundant fibrous connective tissue ( sclerosing adenosis ) , and stromal fibrosis 可見到囊性擴張導管、小葉區伴大量纖維結締組織(硬化性腺病)增生、間質纖維化。

Verrucous carcinoma is composed of lobules of mature squamous epithelium with minimal atypia , but they are ulcerating or fungating 疣狀癌由小葉狀的具有輕度異型性的成熟鱗狀上皮組成,并且呈潰瘍或真菌樣生長。

Males have a small amount of breast tissue , but it consists of just a few ducts , without lobules , in a fibrous stroma 男性有少量的乳腺組織,但它僅有一些導管組成,纖維間質中沒有小葉。

Lobules of neoplasitic cells have an intervening stroma with characteristic lymphoid infiltrates 腫瘤的細胞團間的間質以淋巴浸潤為特征。

Seen here are lobules filled with pink secretions 圖中可見充滿粉紅色分泌物的乳腺小葉。