
lobular adj.有小裂片的,有小葉的;小裂片[小葉]狀的。


The results show that : the glomerulus of the mouse consists of a lobular arteriole within the glomerulus , capillary meshwork lobules and communication branches between the lobules and the efferent arteriolar roots ; there are some sublobular microcirulatary units in lobules ; the glomerulus of chrysolophus pictus is only a tortuous vascular ball ; there are no branches anastomosed between the vascular ; the afferent arteriole is a branch , efferent arteriole is one either , but some efferent arteriole has branches 結果表明:小白鼠腎小球由小球內小葉微動脈、毛細血管網小葉及小葉間交通支和小葉輸出血管構成,小葉可分出亞單位;紅腹錦雞腎小球為一簇迂回盤曲的血管團,血管間未見有復雜的分支和吻合;小白鼠和紅腹錦雞入球小動脈和出球小動脈均為一支,但有的出球小動脈有分支。

The hepatic adenoma is on the right and is composed of cells that closely resemble normal hepatocytes , but the neoplastic liver tissue is disorganized hepatocyte cords and does not contain a normal lobular architecture 右側為肝臟腺瘤,腫瘤細胞類似于正常肝細胞,但腫瘤組織中肝細胞條索排列紊亂,無正常肝小葉結構。

Results : the ultrasound images of the dysplasic mammary glands were classified as 5 types : lobular hyperplasia , duct hyperplasia , galtioncus , focal fibrosis and fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia 結果:乳腺結構不良的超聲圖像可以分為5型:小葉增生型、導管增生型、囊腫型、局灶性纖維化型和纖維腺瘤樣增生型。

It spend 20 - 21 months from spermatogonial proliferation to spermiation . during this period , sperm live through the winter by storing in lumens at the end of testicular lobular or spermatic duct 在此期間,成熟精子貯存在精巢小葉末端的管腔內或在輸精管內越冬,貯存期為7 - 9個月。

There is lobular disarray with focal hepatocyte necrosis , giant cell transformation , lymphocytic infiltration , kupffer cell hyperplasia , and cholestasis ( not seen here ) 圖中可見具有病灶肝細胞壞死、巨細胞轉化、淋巴細胞浸潤、枯否細胞增生和膽汁淤積(此圖未顯示)的肝小葉紊亂。

The formation of small nests and irregular sheets is certainly more consistent with ductal carcinoma . but histiocytoid / pleomorphic variant of lobular carcinoma can not be excluded 小巢狀、不規則片狀的生長方式更符合導管癌,但是組織細胞樣/多形性小葉癌也不能除外。

We present a 9 - year - old child with intranasal lobular capillary hemangioma who suffered from epistaxis and nasal obstruction for several months 前鼻鏡發現左側總鼻道有一大的息肉樣腫塊,經全身麻醉,以鼻竇內視鏡引導切除,病理報告為小葉狀毛細血管瘤。

At high magnification , the characteristic “ indian file “ strands of infiltrating lobular carcinoma cells are seen in the fibrous stroma . pleomorphism is not great 高倍在纖維間質中可見浸潤性小葉癌癌細胞單行排列的特征性病變。多形性不大。

The preservation of an overall lobular morphology was found , a hallmark feature of ns al1owing its differentiation from malignancy pathologically 而維持整個唾腺的小葉型架構,是壞死性涎腺化生在病理上能與惡性腫瘤區別的主要特徵。

Though the uncommon lesion , the lobular capillary hemangioma must be considered in the differential diagnosis of intranasal mass in children 此病例報告雖然罕見,對于小孩子的鼻腔內腫塊,仍應將小葉狀毛細血管瘤列入?別診斷。

According to the english literature , there are only three cases lobular capillary hemangioma of the nasal cavity in children 本科于2000年7月間經歷1名9歲女童患者,主訴左側反覆流鼻血,偶有鼻塞現象已1年多。

The necrosis and lobular collapse is seen here as areas of hemorrhage and irregular furrows and granularity on the cut surface of the liver 壞死和小葉崩解表現為肝臟切面上的出血、不規則的凹陷和突起。

Immunostaining for cytokeratin helpful for lymph - node - staging in invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast 免疫標記在乳腺浸潤性小葉癌淋巴結分期中的應用價值

Lobular cis consists of a neoplastic proliferation of cells in the terminal breast ducts and acini 小葉原位癌由末端乳腺導管與腺泡內的瘤性細胞增生形成。

Lobular capillary hemangioma usually affects the skin and oral mucosa , and rare the nose 摘要小葉狀毛細血管瘤常發生于表皮和口腔粘膜,于鼻腔少見。

There is no discernable normal lobular architecture , though vascular structures are present 雖然血管結構存在,但無可辨認的正常肝小葉結構。

Hexagon lobular for fasteners - type e 緊固件用六角花形

Stainless steel tri - lobular thread screws 不銹鋼木螺絲

Lobular carcinoma in situ is seen here 圖示小葉原位癌。