
lobster n.1.大螯蝦;大螯蝦肉。2.龍蝦(=spiny ); ...

lobster pot

This lobster has to be put in the lukewarm water 龍蝦要放在溫水里

Seaweed , shrimp , lobster , squid and jellyfish 海藻蝦蝦魷魚及水母

Remove unhealthy lobsters from the system 清除不健康的龍蝦從制度。

I like eating shrimp , prawn , lobster , such that 我喜歡吃蝦,小龍蝦,龍蝦,誅如此類的東西。

“ lobster a la tudeski “ ? i can ' t stay for lobster a la tudeski “龍蝦” ?我無法留下來吃龍蝦

I like lobster but it doesn ' t like me 我喜歡吃龍蝦,但吃了身體不適

Thank you for saving me from the lobster 謝謝你從糟老頭子那兒救了我

Waiter , this lobster has only one claw 服務員,這個龍蝦只有一只爪。

Buy a lot of lobsters down there , do they 他們要買大批的龍蝦,對嗎?

Is there any lobsters in jumbo today ? - - i expect so 今天“珍寶“酒家有龍蝦嗎? - -我想會有的

Grab some lobsters - - dead ones , of course - - 去嘗點龍蝦- -當然是死的- -

There was more than one lobster present at the birth of jesus 耶穌誕生時不只出現一只龍蝦

Six months . i can ' t take any more lobster 6個月了,我再也吃不下龍蝦了

Lobsters turn scarlet when they are boiled 龍蝦在被煮熟的時候會變紅。

I blew fifty dollars on the lobster dinner 為這頓龍蝦宴我花去五十元。

Customer : this lobster ? s only got oneclaw 顧客:這只龍蝦只有一個爪子。

Enrique we have lobster ravioli from alitalia 有意大利航空公司的龍蝦餃

Dashan : it ' s a small steak and a lobster tail 大山:是嫩牛排加龍蝦尾。

Customer : this lobster ' s only got one claw 顧客:這只龍蝦只有一只爪子。