
lobelia n.【植物;植物學】半邊蓮。


The four common species of chinese herbs in hong kong - centella asiatica , lobelia chinensis , gardenia iasminoides and scutellaria indica are depicted in this set of special stamps issued today 希望不論是對草藥素有研究的朋友,抑或對集郵情有獨鍾的人士,都會喜歡這套“香港草藥“特別郵票。

Descriptions of different types of flowers suitable for small gardens . includes phlox , nasturtium , lobelia carnation , zinnia , alyssum , begonia , and dahlia -介紹傳統名花草本與木本花卉植物與花卉知識四季花卉中國市花與各國國花花卉郵票以及圖片。

A messenger from god . asked alphonse if she could assist him in any way . alphonse said there was , so lobelia joined him 神的使徒。她向阿爾豐斯提出自己可以給予他所需的幫助,并加入了他的隊伍。

Giant prehistoric - looking groundsels and lobelia lie on the boggy ground of the moorland zone 在高沼地域長滿了這些像史前植物的野濫縷菊及半邊蓮。

Micropropagation of lobelia chinensis lour induced by tdz 誘導半邊蓮離體快速繁殖