
lobed adj.1.= lobate. 2. 【植物;植物學】淺...


For lob data ,對于lob數據使用

Lob programming model Lob編程模型

In both cases , the update of the non - lob column ensures that the trigger fires 在這兩種情況下,更新非lob列可確保激發觸發器。

Knew her eyes at once from the father . lobbing about waiting for him 她那雙眼睛跟她父親的一模一樣,所以一下子就認得出來。

If the data includes lobs , then the user must create lob table spaces 如果數據包括lob ,那么用戶就必須創建lob表空間。

Lob because you are being thrown outside the court wide or deep 因為你正廣或深地被拉到球場外面時,才打高吊而慢的球。

Index , in - row , lob , and row - overflow data pages are correctly linked 是否已正確鏈接索引、行內、 lob以及行溢出數據頁。

Lob physical reads number of 從磁盤讀取的

The lob data types include Lob數據類型包括

Return parameters can be of any data type except the lob data types 返回參數可以是lob數據類型之外的任意數據類型。

Every time mary lobs the ball at me , i find it more difficult to return 瑪麗每次對我吊高球,我就發現回球更加困難。

Lob logical reads number of 從數據緩存讀取的

Cumulative count of orphan lob values inserted during bulk operations 大容量操作期間插入的孤立lob值的累積計數。

Her cleverly disguised lob completely wrong - footed her opponent 她做個巧妙的假動作,一個高球把對手打得亂了陣腳

To the list of data types in “ lob data . 向“ lob數據”中的數據類型列表中添加了