
lobectomy n.【醫學】葉〔肝、腦、肺或甲狀腺的一葉〕切除術。


The modes of surgical treatment included : pneumonectomy in 14 cases , lobectomy in 13 , lobectomy combined with bronchoplasty in 3 , right pneumonectomy and partial trachial resection in 2 , right main bronchus sleeve resection in 1 , endotrachial granuloma resection in 1 , right pneumonectomy and partial trachial resection combined with trachial reconstruction in 1 全肺切除14例,肺葉切除13例,肺葉切除支氣管成形3例,右全肺切除加氣管下段部分切除2例,主支氣管節段切除1例,右全肺切除加氣管成形術1例,氣管切開、氣管下段肉芽腫摘除術1例。

Fourteen patients undertook temporal lobectomy plus hippocampectomy , 3 epileptogenic zone resection only , 2 temporal lobectomy only , 3 selective hippocampectomy , 6 epileptogenic zone resection plus multiple subpial transection , and 2 corpus callosotomy 其中顳葉前極加海馬切除14例、單純病灶切除3例、單純顳葉切除2例、選擇性海馬切除3例、病灶切除單純軟膜橫行纖維熱凝6例、胼胝體切開2例。

Of 65 patients , 59 patients , were performed with umpleted resection , i patient with palliative resection , 3 patients with seminoma extracted and combrned lobectomy or decortication and 2 patients with open thoracic exploration 單純完全摘除腫瘤59例;姑息性切除1例;腫瘤摘除聯合肺葉切除或胸膜纖維板剝脫術3例;開胸探查2例。

The intracarotid sodium amytal ( isa ) procedure , introduced by wada in 1949 , is used to identify cerebral dominance for language and memory function in preparation for epilepsy surgery such as unilateral temporal lobectomy 摘要本研究總共收集了5位罹患復雜性局部癲癇發作的患者,其中4位男孩, 1位為女孩。

Conclusion the first choice for the treatment of tuberculous tracheal or bronchial stenosis is lobectomy or pneumonectomy with trachial or bronchial plasty surgery 結論對氣管、支氣管結核性狹窄,將狹窄之氣管、支氣管連同受累肺葉一并切除并加氣管或支氣管成形術為首選方式。

Performed local excision in 32 cases , unilateral thyroid lobectomy in 6 cases , bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy in 4 cases , isthmectomy in 3 cases and incision & drainage in 3 cases 結果術前大多數誤診為甲狀腺腺瘤,少數診斷為甲狀腺癌、甲狀腺炎,偶有懷疑本病者。

Quadrate lobectomy was performed in 11 cases , left external lobectomy in 5 cases , left lobectomy in 4 , right lobectomy in 3 and caudate lobectomy in 6 方法總結2002年1月2006年6月手術治療的31例肝門部膽管癌的臨床資料、手術難點與對策。

Observation on the effect of acupuncture - analgesia - enhancing medicines combined with acupuncture anesthesia for pulmonary lobectomy 針刺增效藥在針刺鎮痛復合麻醉肺切除中的作用

Results : there were good results after benign teratoid tumor extrated or combined lobectomy or decortication 結果:良性畸胎類腫瘤手術摘除或合并肺、胸膜切除后效果良好。

Right lobectomy was done and the pathological examination revealed a hepatic adenoma with intratumor bleeding 經右肝葉切除及病理檢查,結果顯示?一腺細胞瘤并瘤內出血。

Long - term outcomes following vats lobectomy for earlystage non - small 電視胸腔鏡輔助肺葉切除術治療早期非小細胞肺癌的長期隨訪結果

Hepatic lobectomy or segmentectomy for hepatolithiasis : a clinical analysis of 316 cases 對63例肝移植術后膽道并發癥的臨床分析

Study on feasibility of functional pulmonary lobectomy in dogs 犬功能性肺葉切除的可行性研究

Is there a role for therapeutic lobectomy for emphysema 對肺氣腫實施肺葉切除術治療有效嗎?

Applied anatomy of the hepatic caudate lobectomy 尾狀葉切除術應用解剖學研究