
lobe n.1.耳垂。2.【植物;植物學】裂片;圓裂片;滾裂片。...

lobe chamber

Most of the upper lobe toward the right has a pale tan to grey appearance 右肺上葉大部分區域呈現灰白色外觀。

Spiral lobe refrigeration compressor 螺桿制冷壓縮機

Analysis on wrong diagnosis of 62 cases suffer from tuberculosis below lobe of lung 肺下葉結核62例誤診分析

Calculation to inter - lobe clearance distribution of twin - screw compressor 雙螺桿壓縮機齒間間隙分布的計算

Twenty years of drinking destroyed the basketball lobe of his brain 20年的酗酒破壞了他大腦中的打球細胞

A study of sediment budget of the yellow river delta : the case of diaokouhe lobe 以釣口河亞三角洲為例

Might he have temporal lobe epilepsy 他可能患有顳葉癲癇嗎?

The medial temporal lobe and source memory 內側顳葉與來源記憶

Lobe design for aerial of a single pulse radar in the empty tube 一種空管單脈沖雷達天線的波瓣設計

He himself suffered temporal - lobe damage 他自己的顳葉就受損了

Cang li man places back the cockroach on his right ear lobe 倉里滿把那頭蟑螂放回了右邊耳垂上。

It slowly climbs onto tao zi ' s ear lobe 它慢慢爬到陶子的耳垂上。

Round head tapping screws with six lobes recess . symbol rlx 帶內六角槽的圓頭自攻螺釘.符號rlx

The temporal lobe was severely damaged 車禍使得你的顳葉受損很嚴重

Exocrine is the prostate cell secrete into little lobe 外分泌由前列腺細胞分泌入小葉。分泌

Okay . this patient has an inoperable frontal lobe tumor . . 好吧,這個病人患有腦額葉腫瘤. .

How ' s my temporal lobe looking there , doc 我的顳葉看起來如何,醫生

Thailand has long ] called travellers from around the g ] lobe 泰國始終吸引著世界各地的旅人

Study on sar antenna side lobe reconnaissance 衛星天線旁瓣信號偵察研究