
lobby n.1.門廊,門廳,過廳。2.(英國下院的)會客室,休息...


11 we waited for john in the lobby of the airport 我們在機場的大廳里等約翰。

On the security council will lobby for the removal 安全委員會的英美代表將游說

Lobby , millennium city three lobby , millennium city five 創紀之城第三期大堂

Charlotte , i ' m down in the lobby i ' m leaving now 夏利蒂,我在下面大堂我要走了

Jack , there are four agents waiting at the lobby 杰克,有四個特工等在大堂里面

Lobby of building a , beijing hotel , beijing 北京王府飯店大堂拱橋北京飯店a座大堂

And jack frye is out there lobbying everybody in town 杰克弗賴也在幫他到處游說

The anti - nuclear lobby is / are becoming stronger 向議員游說的反核群眾聲勢漸強

Eric , remember when i passed you in the lobby that day 我需要你來陪我度過這一切

Harbor cafe : is located in the lobby with 90 seats 位于一樓大堂,共設90個餐位。

Well , anyway , um , we ' re gonna meet in the lobby at 7 : : 00 那好我們7點在休息室見

Lobbying reform bill that exempts taxpayer - funded government 這真正地是我們的

Cyberport 2 l1 lobby renting area 312m 數碼港二期l1大堂(可租用面積: 312平方米)

Cyberport 2 l4 lobby renting area 300m 數碼港二期l4大堂(可租用面積: 300平方米)

We ' ll brush pass in the lobby like we said 我們在休息室碰頭就像我們說好的那樣

Cyberport 1 l4 lobby renting area 206m 數碼港一期l4大堂(可租用面積: 206平方米)

B : would you ask him to clear the lobby as well 請你讓他把大廳也清洗一下好嗎?

It fact, lobbies may be both-vehicles for the representation of interests, and people with suitcases full of money . 事實上,游說集團可能兩者都是,既是代表利益集團的工具,又是手里提著裝滿了金錢的手提箱的人。

The corrupting agency was the lobby at the state capital, representing important railroad and business interests . 賄賂代辦所就是呆在州首府的院外活動集團,他們代表重要鐵路公司和企業界的利益。