
lobar adj.【醫學】(肺)葉的;【植物;植物學】淺裂片的。 ...


Architectural enterprises , whose character are lobar dense , are facing with good chance and great challenges . international project constructor ca n ' t tackle with variable international project market just because international project is affected by many factors and constructor itself has many shortcomings 一方面由于國際工程承包本身受到較多因素的影響,風險事件發生的可能性比較大,另外一方面,由于我國國際工程承包企業自身的弱點,對國際工程承包風險管理較為薄弱,無法應對多變的國際工程承包市場。

The rapid grow of science and technology makes the requirement on raw materials , lobar , capital , space and time is getting less and less . therefore , in the new factors that create value , knowledge is regarded the most important resource 科學技術的突飛猛進,使知識正在不斷地減少單位產出對原料、勞動、資金、空間及時間的要求,在新創造財富的全部資源中,知識已成為最重要的資源。

In part , this is due to the fact that most lobar pneumonias are due to streptococcus pneumoniae ( pneumococcus ) and for decades , these have responded well to penicillin therapy so that advanced , severe cases are not seen as frequently 部分原因是,絕大多數大葉性肺炎由鏈球菌(肺炎球菌)引起,并且數十年來,青霉素治療對其比較有效,因此復雜、嚴重的病例不常見。

Objective to study the operative approach and the method of exposure and cutting open for every lobar and segmental bile ducts and solve the surgical treatment of the complex multiple stones complicated with bile ducts stenosis in the right liver 目的探討顯露和切開右肝內各葉、段膽管的手術方法,更好地治療右肝內膽管復雜多發結石并狹窄的病人。

Congenital cystic lung diseases comprise a spectrum of interrelated abnormalities that include congenital lobar emphysema ( cle ) , bronchogenic cysts , congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation ( ccam ) , and pulmonary sequestration 摘要先天囊腫性肺部疾病為一系列相關的先天性異常,其中包括先天性肺氣腫,支氣管囊腫,先天囊腫性腺瘤樣畸形及游離肺。

At present abroad executes cure of extended family oxygen more , can reduce pulmonary artery to press not only , defer the happening of lobar anxiety , and still can alleviate breath is difficult , improve life quality 目前國外多實行長期家庭氧療,不僅可以降低肺動脈壓,延緩肺心病的發生,而且還可以緩解呼吸困難,改善生活質量。

A closer view of the lobar pneumonia demonstrates the distinct difference between the upper lobe and the consolidated lower lobe . radiographically , areas of consolidation appear as infiltrates 大葉性肺炎近距離觀顯示了肺上葉和發生實變的肺下葉之間的差別。放射照片上實變區域類似浸潤。

The pulmonary manifestations of cryptococcosis are diverse but most commonly include single or multiple pulmonary nodules and segmental or lobar consolidation 摘要隱孢球菌感染在肺部的表現是多樣性的,但大部份是以單獨或多個肺結節、肺小葉或肺大葉肺性肺實質化病變來表現。

Methods liver specimens of 30 adults were dissected to explore the lobar and segmental bile ducts and vessels 方法從肝內膽管手術的角度,仔細觀察了30個成人肝標本的肝內各葉、段膽管與血管解剖關系。

Chest x - ray shows consolidation in lobar distribution 胸部x線檢查見有呈大葉性分布的實變陰影。

Lobar emphysema may result from partial bronchial obstruction . 大葉性肺氣腫可由于局部小支氣管梗阻所引起。