
lob 短語和例子lob1vi.(-bb-)1.慢慢地走[跑、動...


Every time she lobs the ball at me , i find it more difficult to return 她每次對我高擊球,我就發現回球更加困難。

Lob and video audio management Lob和視頻/音頻管理

Those cinghalese lobbing around in the sun , in dolce far niente 僧伽羅人在陽光下閑蕩,什么也不干是美妙的。

Oh ! it ' s an extremely high lob 哦,這是個極高的高球

Cumulative count of orphan lob values created for bulk operations 為大容量操作創建的孤立lob值的累積計數。

Clustered indexes if the underlying table contains lob data types 聚集索引(如果基礎表包含lob數據類型) 。

The arab masses loved him for lobbing missiles at tel aviv 阿拉伯大眾曾因他向特拉維夫發射導彈而尊崇他。

She lobbed the ball over her opponent ' s head to the back of the court 她把球挑高越過對方的頭向后場落去

She lobbed the ball over her opponent ' s head to the back of the court 她把球挑高越過對方的頭向場落去

Clustered index if the underlying table contains lob data types 聚集索引,前提是基礎表包含lob數據類型:

Nonclustered indexes that are defined with lob data type columns 使用lob數據類型列定義的非聚集索引

Okay . - throw it . lob it over there 好的. -扔這個.扔到哪里

1 in - row data all data types , except lob data types 1 =行內數據(所有數據類型,但lob數據類型除外)

For more information about lobs , see 有關lob的詳細信息,請參閱

The camshaft has a cam , on which there is a lob , or bump 凸輪軸上有一個凸輪,凸輪上有一個凸角。

The lob data is upgraded even if only one byte is modified 即使只修改一個字節也會升級lob數據。

- okay . - throw it . lob it over there -好-把它扔出去,扔那兒去!

Do not lob the ball when you are moving forward 當你正在向前地移動的時候,不打高吊而慢的球。

All his attempt to get a lob have fail 他找工作的全部嘗試均已落空。